Comments (77)
Please, can you add low graphic settings :(
isnt this like battlepaint? damm i rember playin it very, very long ago on some browser, was laggy but fun
This game is cool!
https://youtu.be/PGonT7H64dc?t=260 <-- Timecode
Check out "Eburnean" in my Gamejolt compilation #2
A superb Indie game! My favorite boss rush game ever made, for free!
Name Your Price
We could have named this game Bosses & Bullets & Puns & Paints. But we didn't. Dunno why.

What's that ?
This is the story of someone who was doing something. Then suddenly he was summoned... OH MY GOD, WHY DO THEY HAVE TO ATTACK HIM ? Why don't these dudes let him in peace ??!! HE. WAS. DOING. SOMETHING !!
Why ? Well, it's all for a video game... Awwww. Then it's okay. This is an arena shooter. Against bosses. Only bosses. Because, bosses are betters than everything that aren't bosses. These bosses are good at two things : destroying things and do silly puns. Guess what's the best for parties ? Hummm ? Hummmm ?! That's right ! Destroying.
Check out the screens. They are funny captionned. Because funny is better than not funny. And don't forget to rate the game. C'mon. I'm waiting. AND I CAN WAIT LONGER THAN YOU. Because, I'M A TEXT. You know. I can't die of starvation.

Oh no, no noo nooooo ! I'm being eaten by a snake !!! AAAAAAAAAAHH.

Here's the buttons to press to do things :
With the mouse thingy :
Mouse movin' : Aimin'
Left mouse click : Shootin'
Right mouse click : Slooowww-mmmoooootiooooooonnnnn.
Spacebar : Special skill, usually it goes like BOOOOOOMM
WASD : Movin'
Escape : Pause, in case you want to cry a little because you are loosing
With a gamepad :
Right stick : Aimin'
RT : Shootin'
LT : Slooowwww-mmmoooooootioooooonnnnn.
RB : Special skill, usually it goes like BOOOOOOMM
Left stick : Movin'
Start or Menu or select or whatever that is somewhere on the middle of your controller : Pause

Here's the "glorious" heroes of that game
(Notice the air quotes)

The game did not made itself. There are these things called "human being".
Hurray to them !
The game was made by my brother (@Omegnight) and I in about a year of non-constant free time. We made almost everything, code, art, texts and some sound effects. Musics were made by really talented dudes, but were not composed specially for the game. Here's the list of these people and where you can find the tracks.
Boss 1 : SubspaceAudio (The first track)
Boss 2 : Spring
Boss 3 : SubspaceAudio (The 3rd one)
Boss 4 : artisticdude
Boss 5 : SketchyLogic (The 8th track)
Boss 6 : SketchyLogic (The 12th track)
Boss 7 : cynicmusic
Boss 8 : SubspaceAudio (The 4th one)
Menu : rezoner

Don't mind these tags : #colors #paint #eburnean #boss #bosses #shooter #bossrush #2d #hard #abstract #action #windows #funny #ihopethesetagsareuseful #maybeitsallfornothing #letschangethesubject #thisgameis #cool #uh #imrunningoutofideas #letthenextonebethelastone #cough #no #no #no #Thetrylulastoneisthelast #playandratethisgameplease ;)
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence