
Comments (2)

What do you think?

Hi! I played your game and I liked it! Just need to fix the AI of Ao Oni itself, try using Blizzard's Lagless Path Finder next time


Breaker: The Electric Demon (Legacy)

Version: 1.1.2almost 3 years ago
Legacy Version, made with RPG Maker XP. Only Chapt 1 in it.

Curiosity can lead to many new experiences good or bad, but when that curiosity leads you into a bad situation, you might not be able to get out unscathed.

Breaker is a Horror RPG inspierd by and a bit of a tribute to Ao Oni and other Oni Games, solving puzzles while running away from a monster trying to kill you, while similar this monster has a special ability that can place you in trouble, the ability to control electricity and shut off power to any room that is around it. With multiple endings to each chapter, you have to make choices to who lives and who dies at the end of the story.

#rpg #horrorrpg #fangame #aoonifangame #aooni

Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language
Crass Humor

Hello 2023! I know i've been silent all this time, and that this seems like it's dead... Buuut i've been working hard remaking the game in RPGVXA + other Oni games thanks to help of... The Oni Hub! Please check their games out too!


So, RPGXP has broke the game in half. Exporting it pretty much broke a lotta the game and there's no way for me to actually fix any of it cuz it only breaks upon being exported.... Don't worry, I know a solution. You'll see it soon!

It's been a long time, but I got something to show for it! A total redo of Chapter 1! A lot has changed and i've made a lotta progress since last year's release. But hey, i'm working on it again and I strive to make it better than ever!

It's been a long time, but i'm making progress slowly. As a start, updating the face sprites. Moving from MS Paint to Aseprite really does bring a lot of changes as well as a lot of improvement.

First is Aseprite
Second is MS Paint