Comments (5)
I played this game and I didn't figure out how to go any where without dying because this game isn't finished, but the mechanics and everything seemed good and I'm sure it will be great when you finish it! Nice job making this.
Escape from the Cyborg
Escape del Cíborg
Juego completo, teclado del pc ,w,a,s,d ratón y botón izquierdo del ratón.
Estas encerrado eres un Cíborg , dispara a los cubos radioactivos, solo estos destruirán a los otros ciborg enemigos, uno tiene la llave para activar la puerta de escape, cuando escapes ganas el juego,
procura no chocar con nada o la radiactividad te matara al instante.
Escape from the Cyborg
Full set, pc keyboard, w, a, s, d mouse and left mouse button.
You're locked in a Cyborg, shoot the radioactive cubes, only these will destroy the other enemy cyborg, one has the key to activate the escape door, when you escape you win the game,
Try not to bump into anything or the radioactivity will kill you instantly.
#action #horror #adventure #arcade #scifi #shooter #strategy
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed