
Comments (6)

What do you think?

just played through the last demo and i can see why it took nearly 2 months to come out - it's bigger than the original one by 10 times, if not more! and it's not only big, but filled with content, too!) the storyline continues from where we left off and only gets better and better - the plot points in it were all great, like the fact that the creature lurking around the barbarians' camp is actually a friendly (but also wary) nature elemental, or how we get to see the devastation caused by Ignea through the eyes of Soriah, arriving at a blasted camp and wondering who did this - the way you meet the shadow elemental, learn about Ying and Yang and later go on to Fye's village from Elemental is fantastic - the last one was especially nostalgic, since i got to see the village not just one time, but two!) the writing, which is very good, by the way, reminded me of Avatar: The Last Airbender and Kung-Fu Panda - in a good way, since i love both of those!) still though, there is one major issue that can possible decimate the whole pacing and nullify the writing efforts - i'll get to it in the fourth paragraph (or maybe even the next comment), in case you want to jump straight to it, Nick...

but now for some small, but, nevertheless, great details - firstly, i love the way you did the sprite of Llaus carrying Zeke - must've been pretty hard to do, eh?) the Maze of Wonder guy is great, and his mazes give a nice change of pace after the traumatic event at the village - and besides, little mini-games like this are always great to have) instead of having the stereotypical potion/item shop Ezekiel instead has a very classy tea shop with a variety of products to choose!) it's a little change from the usual formula but it's still a very welcome one!) and, finally, i don't know whether or not you used DLC's or custom content for the game (and for your others, too), but, in any case, the custom tiles, character sprites, battlers, etc, make the game all more unique and memorable - and besides, without custom content some of the designs wouldn't be possible to pull off, like the samurai's!)

now for some bugs - and hoo boy, there's a lot of them - but fret not, Nick, it's only natural that with such a big batch of content a lot of bugs reared their ugly head - most of them have to do with tiles and collision, so, as painful and boring as it may sound but i think that you'll need to tweak your tilesets a bit, jajaja... okay, on to the bugs and text errors!) firstly, in the beginning dream cutscene when the goddess says "You shall be a vessal" she makes a misspelling, since it's "vessel", not "vessal". next, more of a general grammar mistake but after a sentence ends in a "..." the next sentence typically starts with a lower case letter instead of a capital one). in the armory tree in Zeke's village you can walk under a lot of the stuff - mostly new tiles, helmets, spears, etc, you can also walk on the bushes in the village (the new ones) as if they were ground tiles! and also you can walk over the planks connecting the two tree houses instead of under it. next, you can walk on the food during the Elemental Festiva and into the firepit during the Festival, too! in the burned down village the grass near the creek tiles stays the same green color even with all of the green burned down to black - would've been nice to change it to fit more... next, after Ezekiel gets his forest-dweller garbs the tile on the tree standing atop Soriah's cave just dissapears, for some reason... the samurai enemies have a weird glitch with their "down" animations - i guess part of their other animation "seeps" into this one and creates a visual artefact) next, in the samurai cave to the right there's a samurai enemy floating over the pit, and another one before the part with the Samurai Sensei. Zeke's "down" animation has the same glitch as with the samurai enemies. next, the statues of the elementals on mountain Kage have a problem with their upper tile - instead of walking under them you walk ON them. Mt. Kage's Monastary should be named Mt. Kage Monastery instead) upon interacting with the Katana of Shadows Ezekiel says "somwthing" instead of "something". and, finally, if you go to the wasteland Inn before you're supposed to you can see your party members lying on their beds while still being able to move around with yours.

and the last bug raises up a pretty big problem with not only Ezekiel (the game), but also your other games, Nick - you can go to places you're not supposed to go as of now at any time, and while it does add a nice, open-world feel to the game, it ultimately takes away from the pacing when you can accidentaly stumble upon a place from near the end of the demo and even get some dialogue from a character that's not even currently in your party - i'm talking about Talia, of course - i explored the stoneshift dungeon (which is amazing, by the way) before i got her and her messages popping up in the middle of a battle when...

i decided to check out this new project of your, Multiversal Productions, before coming back to Legends: King Arthur, and i have to say that it's great!) the current demo for Ezekiel shows off an interesting and engaging plot, allows the player to interact with lots of cool NPC's and do their quests while also learning a bit about the life of the barbarian tribe through talking with the peeps at the camp, and the game also sports some great technical qualities, too - like the full-screen resolution, the awesome wheel-like in-game menu and a lot of new and awesome sprites that fit RPG Maker's original RTP very well while also making the game stand out with it's new resources!) all in all, well done!

the demo also doesn't sport any problems or major bugs - to be precise, the only bug i've found was that you could freely walk on the tiles on the trees that have bird nests in them (Zeke doesn't walk under them but rather goes up for some reason) and you can also freely go through the extinguished firepit, too - it's a bit weird but nothing game-breaking or nasty, and besides, with the bird nest tiles it looks like Zeke climbs up the trees, which actually look kinda cool, jajaja!)

with that said, there isn't much content in the demo right now - while the barbarian camp is BIG and there's a lot of things to do for its inhabitants, the dame doesn't have anything after it in its current state - alas! but, that also makes me hyped up for the next demos - can't wait to see the plot unravel, learn what was the mysterious figure that Llaus spotted and use the powers of the ying and yang along with the might of a true barbarian!) Multiversal Productions, once again, i wish you guys best of luck while developing this awesome game and i'll see you two in Legends: King Arthur - this time for sure, jajaja!) as always, take care!


Ezekiel v0.2

Version: 0.2.0almost 3 years ago
The second demo of Ezekiel


Version: 0.1.0about 3 years ago
This demo is much, much bigger than the early demo in Legends: King Arthur. Though, is still only 1/10th of the finished game.

In the land of Elements, a boy is raised in a small village of warriors. Little did he know, the adventure he would embark on would not only change his life, but the course of history as well.

Journey in a new, unfamiliar land, gathering items and allies, fighting monsters and saving the land.

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Tobacco Reference
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

Unfortunate news, everyone. The file for Ezekiel became corrupted. I have a few older copies, and am also attempting to fix the file, but will likely focus on Elemental for a while, just so I can actually get some content out. I apologize, Everyone.


Hey everyone! So, I’ve been working on Ezekiel pretty consistently for a few months now. I’m beginning to feel burnt out, so am taking a break from the game for a week.

However, I will still release something new…

The second demo for Ezekiel is officially out!