Game Community
Five Minutes Of Farting
9 Members

Comments (9)

What do you think?

i hope this game wins an award

Wow such a cool game

i haven't even played the game and i already love it


Five Minutes Of Farting: A Blast from the Past

Version: 1.3.727 days ago

Johneathan Poptat, a paranormal investigator, has received numerous complaints about a newly opened taco diner in the local district. These complaints had been from other restaurant owners and people from the district and where about how the animatronic characters from the diner where active during the night, so Johneathan starts to look into this and conveniently came across his daily newspaper that had been pissed on by his neighbor Jhon. However, after taking closer look, he sees a help wanted ad looking for a night guard by the same taco diner, so Johneathan takes up the position as a security guard to further investigate the paranormal activities taking place at Frizzy Beers Taco Diner.


A prequel to the Five Nights at Freddy's fangame parody series called
Five Minutes Of Farting. It takes place in the Fredbear's Family Diner
location of the FMOF universe.


Bugs: Programmer, Character Posing, Decor, UI design, SFX design,
and Voice Acting.

Pulsar : Lighting, Celebrate Poster, Jumpscares, Scenebuilding, Animator, Loading Screens, UI Design, and SFX design.

CoconutCreampie: Poster Art, Concept art, Contributed Ideas, and Voice Acting.

WyWy: Voice Actor

Z3RO: Voice Actor

Korokleaf: Voice Actor

The Black Bomber: Voice Actor, and Singer.

Shyspinel: Playtester

*Please note not all sounds, models, UI elements, and maps were created by us, they are free use or from official FNAF games.

Check out the other games in the series:
Original FMOF 1, FlashlightTag, and 2 Archived page
Five Minutes Of Farting 1
Five Minutes Of Farting: Flashlight Tag

#fnaf #fangame #other #pointnclick #strategy #horror #survival

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
Crass Humor

[Verison 1.3.7 Changelogs] (1/2)

-Fixed bug were lolbit didn't flip down the maintaince panel when they got into the office.

-Fixed spelling errors.

-Fixed camera force down mess up the power system.

-Fixed static playing after animatronic left.

Thank you guys so much for over 100+ downloads this means so much to me! If you guys haven't try Night 8 watch this video

Five Minutes Of Farting: A blast from the Past is officially out!!! Please contact us if there are any bugs, glitches, and etc. I hope Everyone has a Merry Christmas!!!!!!

The game releases in 24 hours, who's excited?!

Five Minutes Of Farting: A blast from the past's page is official up! Remember the game Releases December 25, 2024! so mark your calendars!