Comments (89)

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doo doo fart
five nights at Bonnies 2 remake review
visuals: 7/10
reminds me of fnab1r visuals but just done beater
gameplay: 8/10
yeah once again we have only two mechanics but they work super well. the power mechanic is used against 3/4 characters with the only one that does not fall for this is foxy who has his fnaf 2 mechanic of flash him in the face but you have very limited power and that causes stress.
difficulty: 4/10
not really all that hard because there only 2 mechanics
replayibilty 10/10
fun game with e.mode c.night
total score 8/10
it's a really good game
My gameplay,I rated it 5 stars!
Five Nights at Bonnie's 2 Remake
If you see any bugs let me know and ill fix as most as i can in a new patch.
Five Nights at Bonnie's 2 Remake Android
Enjoy the port.
Five Nights at Bonnie's 2 Remake V1
Five Nights at Bonnie's 2 Remake Source Code
Do whatever you want with it if you're gonna reskin I won't care. You'll need Clickteam Fusion 2.5+ to open this. (Build R294)

This is my last chance at remaking this game, now if you didn't know i planned to remake this twice but both got cancelled cause of motivation, now i think is the time to bring it back but way better than the last two versions with my own work I'm doing with the help of DaRädsla with map models so wish the game luck!
PS: This game won't have a story it will just be random.
Menu: 100%
Map: 100%
Gameplay: 100%
Sound Files: 100%
Cutscences: 100%
Extras: 100%
Total Completion: 100%
@GhostGamesX Coding, Effects, Ideas, Renders
@DaRadsla Map Models, Renders, Animations
Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed