Comments (203)
I can't enter the Foxy.exe fight even though I have the music file the game says I don't
"Dimension",not "Diemension"
Well it is really amazing, thank you bro)
I have a small problem I watched Eth video and characters have like 500 hp and about 100 mp but my bois have only like 200 hp and 50 mp and I cant beat up Ennard and Minda beacause I dont have enough mp and melee attacks do nothing to them
39's screaming effect is hilarious, he just screams and runs off, IT'S PERFECT. Same with the dab attack, the main menu from Five Nights With 39 is an awesome battle theme and the dab is a good idea. ;P
Five Nights At Eth's World 2 the shattered diemension V1.1
V,1.1. is here
Tattletale Diemension extended
Bendy diemension extended
Grammer fixed
Bugs fixed
The diffuclty fixed
And armours and new skills added
go to the shops and buy armor and weapons for future bosses
also the side missions are now acessable throughout the whole game
Ethgoesboom and his friends are back in a new adventure when they started travling through diffrent demensions
meeting new friends and going agensts the villan who is trying to take over the demensions
come explore diffrent demensions with eth bonniefan dark box and a couple of others
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans