Comments (23)
The game is complete?
Will there be a update soon because i can't move for the first minigame unless i use my bluetooth keyboard
This Is The Full Game But You Have To Find The Tape! Yes BDiary The Person Who Made This Is A GOD Give Them Love!
Uh, hello? hello? *Coughing Well... Greetings from me mister, i know you mad with some stupid people around youre but i very-very appreciate your hardwork you know? I love the game FNAC 3 that you have been ported and luckily i have been download fnac 3 DEMO And The Released One,and um- i am here just want to tell you dudes about the gameplay but for some reason you had a problem with poor people and pardon me i am just a teeneager that want to become psycho dogin dogin,, Okay- anyway when i play on my android especially when the game start playing i use Mary going to the dreamscape and why i cannot running? Even i use my VR console or joystick i cannot running dudes C'mon brow! Im tired with that shadow rat tryna eat my ass brotha!
how many nights is in the beta
FNaC 3 Android Port By Chrowden's (UNNOFICIAL)
Official Game (PC) is made by EMIL "ACE" MACKO
FNaF Series are owned by Scott Cawthon
FULL VERSION MOVED TO https://gamejolt.com/games/FNaC3_Android/765686