Five Nights at Freddy's 3
Five Nights at Freddy's 3 (Fan-Made)
The Return To Freddy's
These Fan-Games Are Made By BFPFilms424, So There Will Be No Bug Fixes/Patches As The Original Game Page Got Deleted: This Is Just An Archive.
As Mike Schmidt was about to quit his job, he found the news article about the pizzeria saying: The "Ever So Popular" Pizzeria's Animatronics have been fixed and repaired at last! They have also fixed and brought back everyone's favorite pirate fox, Foxy. The murderer of the four children and one missing child has yet to be found. They also brought back something from the old pizzeria. Something to bring back to the hopes and joys of children and grown ups alike! But the building has yet to be cleaned... Not responsible for injury/dismemberment.
FNaF 3 Fan-Made/TRTF By BFPFilms424
Cat Animatronic By Emil Macko (Creator Of Five Nights at Candy's)
Five Nights at Freddy's By Scott Cawthon.