Comments (41)
Doesn't shinto have a creepypasta on YouTube?
I really think this as as good as vs sonic.exe
great job keep up the good work
When Will V2 Be Coming Out?
im so confused how can i bee scared and also jammin, great work
monochrome jumpscare
Friday Night Funkin Lullaby Mod
Happy Halloween everyone!
Boyfriend is missing late at night, GF is worried about him and went looking for him by herself.
She then encounters a strange figure next to a bloody path leading into the woods, there's also a
weird looking building that she's never seen before.
Im sure the stranger is a nice guy and has nothing ominous in mind, shes not the only one going through some trouble though
I am super thankful to everyone who has gone through that almost 2 month long journey to create this!
Shubs https://twitter.com/yoshubs
Ash https://twitter.com/ash__i_guess_
Nimbus Cumulus https://nimbuscumulus.newgrounds.com/
Adam McHummus https://twitter.com/mchummus
TheInnuend0 https://twitter.com/TheInnuend0
Uncle Joel https://twitter.com/Joel_Masada
ChillinHenry https://twitter.com/ChillinRaptor
Typic https://twitter.com/typicalemerald
Fidy50 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgjhVE5MBsg3DObEE42WfDQ
Sandplanet https://twitter.com/SandPlanetNG
ScorchVx https://twitter.com/ScorchVx
Mr_NoL https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC89Ia9-bOY4XN0oyfRFOjSQ
Bones The Skelebunny https://twitter.com/BSkelebunny01
"Safety Lullaby" was heavily based on the Hypno's Lullaby Creepypasta song made by TrainerDerek
I hope everyone enjoys this!
Things important to know!
Pendelum Mechanic:
Press Spacebar with each time the Pendelum is at its lowest point to keep up with Hypno,
otherwise GF will face being hypnotized
Make sure to study the Unown language a bit, as you'll need to spell out whatever they're telling you!
There is also a hidden song within the game, accessed by a certain mechanism
In the main menu, you gotta do the same thing players did next to cinnabar islands gym in red and blue
to encounter a certain someone.
After you hear a noise, you'll have to click on the number 0
Thats all I'll tell u
If the Hard mode is too easy for some of you crazy people, there is an optional Hell mode that you can enable in the options menu!
Theres also a "pussy" mode in options to turn off the mechanics for those that have trouble #fangame #horror #fnf #rhythm #pokemon