
Comments (2)

What do you think?

btw i used to watch rainbow factory in my times

cant wait for the game it looks so fun

You were always fond of the Cloudsdale Weather Factory, having taken tours there before many times. On one stormy night in Cloudsdale, you find yourself flying outside looking for anything to do really, while feeling breezes of air. You stumble upon the Weather Facility, but spot another facility near it that is normally hidden by other clouds. You decide to fly to the strange facility and enter it. Once you enter it, the giant metal doors slam as they close up. You soon realize that you are not supposed to be here from the signs that say "Trespassers Not Allowed". Upon walking a bit more in the strange facility, you find the heart of the facility and realize that [DATA EXPUNGED]. Three pegasi and a robotic pegasi start to chase you as you run for dear life and luckily enough, end up in a security office where you can defend yourself. It is up to you to defend yourself for five whole nights before you can finally escape the Rainbow Factory... Where not a single soul gets through.

In Five Nights in the Rainbow Factory, you will take the role of a Pegasus security guard who has to survive for five (and possibly, many more) nights while defending yourself from Rainbow Factory Dash, Dr. Atmosphere, Glaze, and the robotic copy of H8_Seed! With minigames in between the five main nights, lots of extras, and a custom night, there will be lots of stuff to still do after beating the game!

#fangame #horror #mylittlepony #rainbowfactory #fnaf

Intense Cartoon Violence

This game has long been cancelled sadly, but go check out my revival, Five Nights "at" the Rainbow Factory which I've been working on for over a month, meaning it'll be the first fangame I finish making!

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What's that sound? Is it Glaze causing a audio distraction? Nope... Is it the launch of the GameJolt page for Five Nights in the Rainbow Factory? Yep!

There isn't really anything to show right now, but I will continue making the office when I wake up.