so this new game will start off different, my plans were for the whole fnaf 1 map to be in play, but not anymore. (or is it? ;D) and my game was supposed to start with 8 chars and 4 updates, that will now be switched to 4 chars and 8 updates (part 3 next)
Sad, but also happy update! Hey guys, I know you're waiting for me to finish up, but I have some news... I'm scrapping the project, but, for a new one! what i've done so far will be scrapped, yeah, but this new one will be easier for me! (part 2 next)
I'm actually very proud of how much work I've gotten done tonight! I wish I'd gotten more work done, but I've been going back and forth through many map versions, but I think I found the perfect one! :) I'm so excited, and might get the game out earlier!!
GUYS! IULITM IS FOLLOWING THIS PAGE OH MY GOD!!! Sidenote: school is becoming a little extra stressful because my grades are too low, so I PROMISE I will be getting work done, but for now, school has to be my main priority! hopefully news on the weekend!