Freddy Fazbear's Pizza needs your help to rebuild its brand! You have been chosen as our new client to make dreams come true of the perfect place where the fantasy comes to life! After recent events, the franchise itself is in chaos due to the disappearances at our last facility. Unfortunately, the whole thing was cursed by an earthquake, and destroyed forever. Our job is to get our face back and create a new Pizzaplex. Our new advanced technology and some old faces will help you with this. Good luck employee!
T檀蛡探h潭蜖虂e谈虁蛧 谭蛡滩F谈蜎處a谈探虃z谈虓be虌蛣a痰蛢號r痰探蛥 檀虜虙f痰虈蛣r谈虁蛠a谈nchise痰虝 is n虛o檀蛻虝t谭 respo潭蜐虥n檀蛺虇s谭虝坛i谈虘蛽b痰處蜐le for any 檀炭虂l潭虛蛣o潭虈虁s痰蛠虋s谭虈虂 潭虇蜆or damag檀虛e cau潭蛢虂s谈蛼獭ed duri檀探虙n檀蛡蜅g谭 檀虖太t谈蛣蛺h潭e reconst蛼r谭處虪u谈蜎蛣c谈蛡t潭虉蛫i痰虜虘o谭虃虊n.

As mentioned above, you have been selected for our industry reconstruction and recovery program. For such an ambitious goal, you will need the right equipment, funds that the fazbear franchise guarantees you. At the beginning you will get your first endoskeleton, which you will dress in a costume in the future (optional). By the way, you will be equipped with our moder谭虇蛫n谈虌蛧 谭蛯虜s谈虇虣y潭虂蛢s潭虛虤t潭蜖e檀蛣虋m谈虇蛣 谭虒虄t檀蜅蛯h谭叹虝a檀虥蛣t檀蜅 will help 潭虅虖y谈虌虇ou with潭蜖蛬 谈蛺蛨y檀虌蜆o痰虋炭ur shopping or make your di谈虉蜖r谭探虆t痰虋虈y檀虄虙 潭蛻虆w檀蛣蛣o潭蛻rk easier.
Remember to always smile. W谈虆處e檀蜆虉'谈蛣處r痰虤滩e谈蜐坍 谈虝蛣l痰虋ooki蜐虜n檀蛫虈g痰蛻蛣 檀虗蜐a谈炭虅t谭蛝虨 潭虜虊you. The client must know that there is a cheerful atmosphere around him!
See yo痰蛣虗u檀虒虉 痰蜎蜎s谈虁蛢o痰虉虖o谈虖蛢n!

Created by:
@Pixo95 , @catxan
Directed by -
@Regen_ELG_ , @Pixo95
Programming -
3D Art -
All Creators are in-game credits and @SpyDram , @Pixo95
Art -
Music -

Models: 14%
Graphics: 7%
Programing: 5%
(Next update)
Overall: 2%
(Full Game)
#fangame #horror #fnaf #fazbearsimulator #tycoon #simulator #fnaf9 #adventure #strategy #other #horror #action