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I'm making a fighting action video game, with an 80s movie-style setting. #retro #survival #arcade


hello everyone! He was putting the finishing touches on the kicking mechanics. Now you can also throw grenades towards your enemies! but you have to be quick if you don't want to lose a leg!


Hello everyone! now the npc looks for a certain distance and when he thinks it's safe to shoot shoot

#gamedev #indiedev #indiegame #pixelart

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hello how are you I hope you are well! Well I wanted to show you how the game is turning out, I added a score counter when picking up the briefcase

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Hello! I wanted to show you the concept mission selection menu.

Here you can choose a mission that has a certain difficulty and depending on the difficulty you will earn more or less money.

open the article to see the new enemy skins.


New Mechanic In Development! since enemies with weapons do a lot of damage, you can now hide behind things for the time being tables, although these only last a certain amount of time until they break.. ohh and I added a gun!


I wanted to make the game a bit more realistic so that when you hit someone or shoot someone with a shotgun now blood comes out. I'm not sure... but I think that's how realism works.


implementing shotgun npc again, actually this npc was one of the first ones i created for the game but it didn't work well so i disabled it. I want to make when you kick him, he drops his shotgun and keeps fighting with his fist.


Team and character selector. Before starting a mission, you have the option to choose the equipment that you will take on that mission, what do you think?


added exploding grenades and body armor for all characters, added post processing effect to make it look like an 80s movie, improve optimization on mobile phones by reducing the amount of lights on the stage. I read opinions and suggestions! Thank.