
Comments (75)

What do you think?

The Sea Shift at Austin's 2.

lego101 please help!! How do you get the gumball with the broken face away?

Just finished fnag 2 so I'm really excited for this one.

Bug: Gumball's Jumpscare is broken, and goes on for the rest of the night until someone jumpscares you.

Release Date:IT'S OUT!


After Yellowball's Fast Food Diner shut down,the company ran low on budget,so,after the demolition of Yellowball's Fast-Food Diner,some of the fast-food robots was taken to the underground bunker in their old factory for repair,same thing goes for Gumball since some vandals were breaking in and tampering with him. The robots are haunted since they move at night,so,that is where you come in,to take the position as a nightguard there. Everything was fine on your 1st Night until one of the robots started moving around the bunker,so,this job won't be so easy,right?


LEGO101-Programmer,Character Designer/Editor,Graphics Designer,Etc.

I'm not gonna sue any people,but,this game is an anti-decompilable game,just like the FNAF Series. And by the way,if you see any bugs or glitches of some sort,then,report them to me as soon as possible so that i can fix them. If i release the MFA,then,please don't reskin it,okay?

#fnaf #madeinfusion

Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Blood and Gore
Comical Shenanigans

This game might release early!

Look at the amount of events in Night 6,i know the coding of the closing your eyes mechanic was hard,but,i finished coding it,so,all i need to do is the A.I,and i should be all set. Here's a screenshot for proof:

Working on Night6

Night 6 will be a hard one to beat.

IN 6 DAYS...


-Fixed Fast-Food Gumball’s A.I (He was visible in 2 Cameras while he moves,but,that issue is fixed!)
(The jump to frame stuff was going bonkers when DraftFlounder46 played it)

How was the demo?

Did you like it? And did you post a video of it at all?
Because i was looking all over YouTUBE for a video of the
demo. Upload your videos now if you played the demo or not.

The update is out!


v1.1 of the demo!

I fixed 1 Issue in Night 2 with FF Gold-Ball’s counter being visible,also,adjusted the volume for the phone calls. The update
will be on Gamejolt shortly.

IN 7 DAYS...