Comments (88)
Amazing work, John! Flicky was one of the best GM sonic engines and seeing that it was ported to GM8 so it could work in lower end hardware is great. Keep up with da good work! Happy that i was able to help you out with the logo.
every time i use it, it just says ___________________________________________
COMPILATION ERROR in Script: PlaySound
Error in code at line 10:
caster_play(argument0, argument1, argument2);
at position 8: Unknown function or script: caster_play
help please!
i tested Flicky Engine in GMS2 (GameMaker Studio 2), but the Game Over does't work, and appars this errorlog:
action number 1
of Create Event
for object obj_game_over:
Variable obj_game_over.SFX(100650, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Object_obj_game_over_Create_0 (line 8) - PlaySound(SFX.Jingle_GameOver, global.SFXVolume, 1, 1);
gml_Object_obj_game_over_Create_0 (line 8)
gml_Script_instance_create (line 7)
gml_Object_par_character_Step_0 (line 61) - instance_create(0, 0, obj_game_over);
How i can fix the error?
action number 1
of Step Event0
for object obj_audio_manager:
audio_sound_gain argument 1 incorrect type (string) expecting a Number (YYGI32)
at gml_Object_obj_audio_manager_Step_0 (line 33) - audio_sound_gain(ZoneBGM, global.BGMVolume,0);
gml_Object_obj_audio_manager_Step_0 (line 33)
I am using GMS 2 and everytime I run it, after the little ring sound plays in the engine "intro" it crashes and shows a code error:
action number 1
of Step Event0
for object obj_audio_manager:
audio_sound_gain argument 1 incorrect type (string) expecting a Number (YYGI32)
at gml_Object_obj_audio_manager_Step_0 (line 33) - audio_sound_gain(ZoneBGM, global.BGMVolume,0);
gml_Object_obj_audio_manager_Step_0 (line 33)
I went to obj_audio_manager, step 0, line 33 and I am not seeing any errors, I haven't modified this script and im not sure of what it is
Flicky 8 Engine
Flicky 8 Engine GMS
Flicky-8-Engine Flicky Engine Ported to Game Maker 8.x Everything from the original Flicky Engine with bug fixes. I will release more updates later for a better experience. Flicky is a open-source Game Maker Studio (1.4.x - 2.x) Engine created by F4LK, later continued by A.NB. This GameMaker 8 version was ported and continued by John-Kun. Requirements: Game Maker 8.x or Game Maker Studio 14.x or 2
Devs: F4LK - Creator. (2017) A.NB - Programmer. (2018) John-Kun - Ported for Game Maker 8.x/Programmer. (2019-2020) Code Assist: Noah Copeland Code Assists: (Past) TPOT Great Lange Mr Potatobadger AeroGP Level Designer: A.NB Savordez Sprites: MrLevRocks Music: MaxieDaMan (Michael Staple) Beta Testers: Ashy Illias Polar-Star ScarlyNight / Capper SoniKast Starz0r Hexagonal SoupTaels Bluie Dashboy Lazyhog (Welber13) GEONEO!!! Noah Copeland Voltrix DaveSkye Speed TeX TheValeev Dolphman Lilac MarioMan574 CG(Calebe) CasaNova(And Flicky 8 Logo creator) MaxieDaMan (Michael Staple) mttwbarajas Savordez Swift Fchar Swag63
Any bugs call me in Discord: John-Kun#4268