Comments (9)
I had an idea for foxy's AI: So he shares a stage with everybody else but he will kill you unless you collect him what Ima call as a place holder Foxy coins ya know cuz he's a pirate
How to download that XDDDDD
If your gonna voice act a character check the description for the characters Test line And after recording yourself Send it to this email
[email protected]
I'll send a Reply email if I think your voice is good enough
If i voice anyone its gotta be the puppet
Voice over for Foxy?
This is My vision for how a Fnaf game wound look in Freddy's Version 1 (before Fnaf 2)
After the forced shutdown of The popular Fred bear's Family dinner Fazbear entertainment open a brand new Pizzeria to replace it now called Freddy Faz bear's pizza along with the return of a few old faces from Fred bears
the place is now looking for it's first Night guard to help test the Animatronic A.I Keep guard of the mangers office and Prevent damage to the property
Are YOU up to the Task?
I you want to voice for one of the following characters you must Have a try at the Test Lines available then send me an email with your Game jolt Username and the audio file and if I decide your the prefect voice for that character I'll email you back to let you know.
Freddy Fazbear (Male) (Are you ready For Freddy?)
Bonnie The Bunny (Male) (Were are you children?)
Chica the Chicken (Female) (Enjoy your cupcakes)
Foxy the pirate fox (Male) (You shall walk the plank for that)
Fred bear (Male) (I hear your breathing)
Spring bonnie (Female) (I See you)
{REDACTED} (Male) (My friends want to play)
{REDACTED} (Female) (Just Hold Still)
Suit 1 (Male) Freddy's is the place to be
Suit 2 (Female) Come over here Children
Small Child (Female) Come on don't be shy
Puppet (Female) You will pay for your deeds
?????? ?????? (????) (?? ???? ????????? ???)
Phone Person (Male or Female) Welcome to your new Job
William Afton (Male) Faz bear entertainment is back
Henry (Male) My dreams come to life
Gabriel (Male) Freddy is the leader
Jeremy (Male) Bonnie rocks on the stage
Susie (Female)Chica's cupcakes are yummy
Fritz (Male) Foxy Is my favorite
Charlie (female) Can you let me in please sir?
The game will be a classic with doors and power along with a few other things
If you want to help
I Might need a few extra hands to get this game out so I will leave this spots out for anyone will to help the game.
!NOTE! Taking one of this Spots with the ! next to it means it might spoil the game for yourself so don't take those spots if you want to find the game a big surprise for yourself when you play it
!NOTE2!Please be at lest decent if your gonna take any of this spots for if your bad you will be kicked from the project.(I don't want to do that so please)
Character Modeler ! - (Available)
(you will be modeling the characters like Freddy and his friends)
Map Modeler - (Available)
(you will be making the locations that appear in game)
Prop Modeler - (Available)
(you will be making the props like tables arcades and Presents)
Music Producer-Background music - (Available)
(you will be making the music that appears in the office and other locations)
Music Producer-Normal Music - (Available)
(you will be making music that appears on the extras menu and the radio in the office.(if that becomes a thing))
A.I Programmer ! - (Currently Not needed)
(you will be Programing the A.I Of Freddy and his friends)
Mechanic Programmer ! - (Currently Not needed)
(You will be programing the mechanics like the doors cameras Etc.)
2D Designer! - (Currently Not needed)
(will make 2D stuff for Minigames)
Drawing Drawer? - (Available)
(You will draw the children's drawings that appear around the place)
Game Testers ! - (Currently not needed)
you will be testing the Early game versions as they come out like alpha beta demo and full release along with reporting bugs and saying your overall experience of playing the game
If you want to send an idea for a character check here to see what characters are missing A.I and comment your Idea in the comments
Freddy (A.I Planed)
Bonnie (A.I Missing)
Chica (A.I Planed)
Foxy (A.I Missing
Fredbear (A.I Planed)
Spring bonnie (A.I Planed)
(REDACTED) (A.I Missing)
(REDACTED) (A.I Missing)
Suit 1 (A.I Missing)
Suit 2 (A.I Missing)
Small Child (A.I Planed)
Puppet (A.I Planed)
Afterlife Man (A.I Planed)
??? (???)
THEEXO1987 - Main Designer - Main Coder
(Will be updated Later)
Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Strong Language