Comments (5)
this needs more recognition
hop off

is this a tubbyland fan game

Frankie's is a probably spooky FNAF-Fan game which was originally created by @unisovboingo and has given me permission to fully remake it from the ground up.
Frankie's has been originally known as "One Night at Frankie's" and was first released 3 years ago. At some point during development of this game, the game title was going to be Automatonophobia (fear of robots) but was changed later on.
Play on Turbowarp!:
Play on Scratch (if you want a 30fps experience): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/753901814/

You play as Rose Noel, a 21-year-old college student that needs to make some quick cash while studying for her upcoming finals. She was looking through the newspaper on a sunny Friday afternoon when she stumbled across an ad, which read;
"Hiring security guards to watch over local family diner after dark, 12AM to 6AM. Willing to pay £120 for this weekend, call us to apply!"
Rose happily called the establishment and managed to successfully get the job. Soon she realised things were not as they seemed at the diner. She then saw that the animatronic mascots that would bring joy in the day wanted bloodshed in the night. For what reason that remains a mystery.

To not spoil gameplay, I will reveal the animatronic mechanics when it gets closer to release day.
Frankie: Can enter either doorway into your office but you cannot see which doorway he is in, use the camera to see which doorway he is at and shock him with the Zap button, he'll leave shortly after. However you will need to wait until he gets closer to the doorway.
Proto: Can enter either doorway into your office but you cannot see which doorway he is in, use the camera system to see which doorway he is at and then put on the Frankie mask until he leaves.
Strings: Holds a music box and wanders around the building, never entering your office but you will need to keep his music box wound up otherwise you will be attacked immediately.

Scott Cawthon - Five Nights at Freddy's series
@unisovboingo - Original creator of One Night at Frankie's & play tester
@1leigh - Creator of the main menu theme & play tester
@TheLovelyLoXo - Play tester & 2nd person to beat 4/10 mode!