
Comments (20)

What do you think?

Anyway to be able to make an account and play?

Hi. I just wanted to ask if it would be possible for you to make/if you would make an android port of this game.

Thank you for bringing back a fond memory of my childhood

De casualidad no habrá server para la comunidad?

i love that im not the only one that remember Fusion Fall


FusionFall (OpenFusion) 2.2 (Windows Installer)

Version: 2.0.29 days ago

FusionFall (OpenFusion) 2.2 (Windows Portable)

Version: 2.0.29 days ago

FusionFall (OpenFusion) 2.2 (Linux Launcher)

Version: 2.0.29 days ago

FusionFall (OpenFusion) 2.1 (Windows Installer)

Version: 2.1.016 days ago
The 2.1 Installer for windows

FusionFall (OpenFusion) 2.1 (Windows Portable)

Version: 2.1.016 days ago
The more cut down version of the OpenFusion (FusionFall) Launcher

FusionFall (OpenFusion) 2.1 (Linux Client Luancher)

Version: 2.1.016 days ago
Now there's support for Linux!!

FusionFall (OpenFusion) 2.0 ( Client Installer)

Version: 2.0.018 days ago

FusionFall (OpenFusion) 2.0 (Original Server)

Version: 2.0.018 days ago
The files for the 2.0 original server build, 2.0.0 is Windows, 2.0.1 is Linux

FusionFall (OpenFusion) 2.0 (Academy Server)

Version: 2.0.018 days ago
The files for the 2.0 version of the academy build 2.0.0 is windows, 2.0.1 is Linux

FusionFall (OpenFusion) 1.6 (Client)

Version: 1.6.05 months ago
It's been a while

FusionFall (OpenFusion) 1.6 (Installer)

Version: 1.6.05 months ago
The installer for the 1.6 version

FusionFall (OpenFusion) 1.6 (Original Version Server Files)

Version: 1.6.05 months ago

FusionFall (OpenFusion) 1.6 (Academy Server)

Version: 1.6.05 months ago
The Server files to make your own academy server. (NOW WITH TABLE DATA)

FusionFall (OpenFusion) 1.5.2 Installer

Version: 1.5.27 months ago
fixed an issue where the client would either run in the background indefinitely, or crash on startup

FusionFall (OpenFusion) 1.5.1 Installer

Version: 1.5.1about 1 year ago
Fixes the save and creation bug

FusionFall (OpenFusion) 1.5 Client (Installer)

Version: 1.5.0over 1 year ago
It's been two whole years since the previous release, and we're finally doing another one. We've had a very slow release cadence thus far. Partly because we only rarely have time to work on this project (which isn't changing any time soon), and partly because we've preferred to let a number of changes build up and then release them all at once. We've decided that this strategy has been suboptimal, as it results in fully complete features not being rolled out for many months and even years now. One particular source of delay is that we've been hoping to finish major subprojects like the refactor and fix all known bugs before doing a release, and when those get delayed, the entire release gets delayed.

FusionFall (OpenFusion) 1.5 (Academy Server)

Version: 1.5.0over 1 year ago
For running an academy server on your own.

FusionFall (OpenFusion) 1.5 (Original Server)

Version: 1.5.0over 1 year ago
For running a server as the game was in 2009-10

Retro Server (Beta)

Version: 1.5.0over 1 year ago
In order to play this 1) you need to have at least an FTP server up with the ability to upload files 2) the Fusionfall Retro Assets on the FTP server, seperate folders from the OG and Academy versions 3) Edit the versions file to either replace one of the versions with the name "retro" and under that put in the link for the FTP server and folder where the Retro files are in. 4) follow the steps from Github like it were a normal server

FusionFall (OpenFusion) 1.4.1 (Beta)

Version: 1.4.1about 2 years ago
Academy & Original; One click install now, Running Multiple Clients should work correctly, better code efficentcy, Academy; small amount of proformance gain, and less crashing

FusionFall (OpenFusion) 1.4.1 (Academy server)

Version: 1.4.1about 2 years ago
Most Up to date files to make your own local or public server and even host assests to run on Linux~ Open terminal in the root folder then type "chmod +x ./fusion" press enter, then type "./fusion" and the server should start!

FusionFall (OpenFusion) 1.4.1 (Original Server)

Version: 1.4.1about 2 years ago
Linux~ Open terminal in the root folder then type "chmod +x ./fusion" press enter, then type "./fusion" and the server should start!

FusionFall (OpenFusion) 1.4

Version: 1.4.0over 3 years ago
It's come to our attention that the official Turner CDN, the server that has hosted the FusionFall assets since 2009, was recently taken offline. This has caused new players to have issues downloading game content, bringing up Unity errors and making the game unplayable. We've released a new client for 1.4 that switches away from the Turner CDN to resolve this issue. Clients should no longer have issues downloading assets. Note that the new CDN might be slightly slower when initially downloading assets, especially for players not in the NA region. This will not affect gameplay once you're actually in the game. There will be no additional lag. (more Info on the github page)

1.3 OG/Academy Servers

Version: 1.3.0about 4 years ago
The Academy files are seperate from the OG files. This will let you be able to make your own servers for FusionFall (OpenFusion) read the README.txt to help a bit, its not too hard.

FusionFall (OpenFusion) 1.3

Version: 1.3.0about 4 years ago
Happy Holidays! We are proud to introduce one of OpenFusion's biggest releases yet - version 1.3. Not only does it introduce a new playable version - the Academy - but also boasts an updated client to easily change between servers and versions. Read on for all the details. Note that although the game is now basically fully playable, we're not calling it complete yet. There's still a number of little bugs to fix and internal stuff to refactor before we do so. That's why we're not disabling commands on the primary public server just yet.

FusionFall (OpenFusion) 1.2.1

Version: 1.2.1over 4 years ago
New to 1.2.1: Sliders are now spawned for each stop and will traverse the full route. Nano stations now consume the correct amount of power items and FM. Added some missing NPCs, as well as moved others to the correct instance. Update src/contrib/sqlite_orm to 1.6. Use a private instance for the Time Lab, so you no longer see other players.

FusionFall (OpenFusion) 1.2

Version: 1.2.0over 4 years ago
Note: This release does not change anything in FreeClient folder. Only the server portion is updated. With nearly 250 commits since the last release, 1.2 adds numerous features, making the Future area of the game playable! Most passive Nano powers should now be functional. All missions should be functional, with the exception of those that require certain mobs to be present. Timed and escort missions are also skipped currently. CRATES now drop from mobs and have a proper loot table. Nano potions and weapon boosts are functional.

FusionFall (OpenFusion) 1.1

Version: 1.1.0over 4 years ago
This release adds many basic low hanging fruit of the server, including but not limited to: Clothing & Weapons Nanos & basic Nano skills Vehicles NPCs IZ warps Majority if not all player movement is now relayed to all other visible players Major refactoring Basic Inventory, including trading handlers Accounts with savable characters (more info in the

FusionFall (OpenFusion) (EXPERIMENTAL)

Version: 1.0.4over 4 years ago
Has textures and models from the "Academy Update." (Unsupported, but feel free to work on it)

FusionFall (OpenFusion) 1.0

Version: 1.0.0over 4 years ago
POC Landwalker server & client for the beta-20100104 FusionFall Unity client Landwalk with friends! config.ini in the same directory as the OpenFusion server will let you edit things like the Shard IP, Port and the Login Port. (as well as some misc stuff like player view distance)

Offical GitHub page can be found here:

All I do is make this game easier to access on here bc Github is confusing and Fusionfall's Assets are scattered into the eather.

YOU CAN NOW INSTALL IN JUST ONE CLICK (not including setting up the server lol)

as of 2025 there is now Linux support for the client!

OpenFusion is an open source recreation of "Cartoon Network's Fusionfall" Released in 2009. (the only things really recreated are the servers)

You can help make this project go even further, like adding more things to the game, and bring back what used to be there. check out the project's github page for more info & progress.

(you can even help out by just getting the word out, like me)

Yes they are the OG assets from the game! This also comes with the files to set up your own server on Local or LAN.

Just click on "installUnity.bat" in the "FreeClient" folder then you can launch Open fusion whenever. the README.txt and has more in depth instructions on everything.

you can find the assets for OG, Academy, AND NOW RETRO, here:

In order to play retro,

1) you need to have at least an FTP server up with the ability to upload files

2) the Fusionfall Retro Assets on the FTP server, seperate folders from the OG and Academy versions

3) Edit the versions file to either replace one of the versions with the name "retro" and under that put in the link for the FTP server and folder where the Retro files are in.

4) follow the steps from Github like it were a normal server

Feel free to work on these versions of the servers and game and make your own version, source files can be found on the Github page... exept the Retro stuff, I honestly don't remember how I got those resources but it's here for preservation bc it looks like its pretty much lost to the eather now.

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans

1.6 and the servers to go along with it are now up!

Check out the Fusionfall Retro server files

The 1.5 Release is ready go ahead and download it

Update 1.4 is out now! quite a bit has changed, so look on Github for all the change notes ( I can't fit them all on here) if you have any problems playing after using the installer feel free to check the Discord for help

The Academy update is avalable