
Game Capstone 2017 - "Knock-Off"
Note: This game is 2-4 players only, and is currently mapped with an Xbox 360 controller in mind.
"Knock-Off" is my game capstone project from my two year university done in spring of 2017. It's an action/party game inspired by the "Bumper Balls" mini-game from Mario Party, and dives deeper into the mini-game's mechanics. I was the project lead for this game and had the help of my entire team of talented classmates. (See credits below)
There are two modes to play; Free-For-All and King of the Hill.
FFA is the standard mode of play, each player must knock over players off the stage and take out all their lives while trying to keep theirs. The winner is the last man standing.
In King of the Hill players have to gain points by staying within a specific zone on the stage, whoever has the most points when time runs out is the winner. If a player falls their point total is cut in half.
There is an options screen on the main menu with can be used to edit how many lives each player gets in FFA and how much time the clock has in King of the Hill. These options must be selected and edited via keyboard and mouse.
The game has four playable characters, however each play the same and differences between them are cosmetic via voice lines and animations.
There are also five different stages to chose from, each having a unique layout with some added mechanics for each stage. All stages have an original track inspired by popular gaming tunes done by our music graduate on the team. (Plus bonus tracks)
Controller Manual:

Message from the Dev:
My team and I had an absolute blast creating this project. It's not much, but for a one semester project in a two year program I consider this to be pretty good. I'm putting this on gamejolt not only as a way to share my game portfolio but as a way to share the fun we had creating this. Take it from me-it's not super professional but it is great to play with four people. We had the best in show project and presentation in an event between different creative majors in the end of the semester. My teammates, other students and hometown friends genuinely had fun playing our finished project, and urged me to put this on a platform-so here it is.
I hope you enjoy playing "Knock-Off"
Team Credits:
Nick Thomas (Project Lead), Zach K (Programming Lead), William S (Lead Character Design/3D character modeler), AJ R (Stage modeler/Animator & Designer), Roland Brush (Lead Stage Design & Programmer + Designer), Stoney R (Sound Lead/Sound Editing), Austin T & Liliana S (Project Management & Assistance + Designer), Spencer McGowan (Music Development/Composer). Check out his soundcloud, and finally Professor McLaughlin as the best professor ever.
Thank You - Nick Thomas.