
Haven expands upon the original [Cancelled] Story called I.V.I
As character Detective Federighi you have decided to reopen the case of the missing Quadrelt family, With the evidence given to you (and the suspicions inside your head) you begin to look for clues, starting with the warehouse were everything, Inventor Vincent Quadrelt, had signed to store after his death.
Although his body was never found dead, they took his belongings anyway and stored it for the future.
Use interviews to strengthen your case and many more resources.
Free-Roam* - Enjoy point and click free roam in a horror based enviroment!
Radio - Heard something unusual? Activate the radio and see if the signal is interferred with!
The Computer - Use the computer to search threw all your evidence bit by bit.
The Locker- Hide in here if a threat begins to open the door