
Comments (37)

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Fake fake fake

Falso falso falso falso

When is it free yet

How to download on android?

espero que el proyecto se lleve a cabo <3


After Sonic and Tails recover the Emerald Master, in Time Hill Zone of Sonic 2. Metal Sonic, Shadow and Eggman capture Amy, Ray and Mighty and take them into the past and future. In gratitude, Knuckles will help Sonic and Tails with the Time Stones, to travel in time and bring their friends back!


Sonic 3 Heroes, has number 3 on everything. 3 characters, 3 games, 3 villains, 3 time travels ...

The game will feature 3 simultaneous characters, seen in Sonic Heroes 2003 (Sonic, Tails and Knuckles), 3 games in 1, such as Sonic Chaos, Triple Trouble and CD.


Only the Sonic, Tails and Knuckles trio will be playable, the zones will be much larger than usual, as in Sonic 2, the zones will be redesigned for the 3 players, parts of speed, flight, breaking walls, climbing, block destruction. Will have 3 Action buttons (Change character, Jump, Special). The special stages are blue spheres in 2d and will be on the checkpoint projector if you have more than 50 rings.


Sonic: Super Peel Out, Spin Dash

Tails: Fly

Knuckles: Fly, Climbing

All: Spin Attack, Super Transform (not hyper)

Shields: Light (protection), Magnet (takes rings), Stone (Mighty power) and Fire (Bost attack)



Act 1: Angel Jungle (Meta Junglira)

Act 2: Turquoise Hill

Act 3: Collision Chaos

Boss: Metal Sonic


Act 1: Mecha Green Hill

Act 2: Tidal Tempest

Act 3: Sunset Park

Boss: Shadow


Act 1: Robotnik Winter

Act 2: Sleeping Egg

Act 3: Egglopolis (Gigalopoplis)

Boss: Eggman

* The game lets you choose whether to start from the past or the future


Still not scheduled for the first beta, the game is being developed together with Sonic 2. But what is being done, will be released here!

Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!