
Comments (7)

What do you think?

the game looks great to me!

The game looks very nice, I will play games with Jolly Ent. even if the games are made by fans because everyone has a talent.(including fans at the start of making games).

The Jolly fangame looks good and it's a shame that it was canceled and the question is, can I use some images of Jolly to use as a profile photo?

the game's looking so freaking good! Can't wait to play it

The mission of this project is to bring back IvanG of canceled games, the Jollibee's trilogy, in a new point of view changing a lot of things only conserving the concepts of them.


10 years after the events that occurred at the Jolly Fantasy World restaurant in 2017, Jolly Entertainment returns with a new restaurant and, of course, new animatronics that contain the highest technologies ever achieved in the world of entertainment, this with such of being the leading brand within said world, however these animatronics are not really intended to entertain, they have another much darker environment around the CEO "Kevin Jhonson" and your Michael smith together with your partner Teo will be in charge of discovering what it really is


-A story mode with 6 canonical nights and point and click sections after each of the nights

-A Custom Night with its respective challenges and two modes

-GameJolt Trophies


-And more!

  • Current team

@Just_J: Director, Writter and Main Coder

@BartoC : Post-nights/free room sections coder and office modeler.

@acekid7: environmental modeler

@edu_mohe : Modeler (Animatronics)

@DydronYT : Animator and Character modeler

@TrashTroydeG : Animator and composer

@Arnaw : Artist (Characters Design)

@Legomaster2701S : Artist

@SillyKat : Voice actor

@ElRafauricio : Voice actor

@Maglor_El_Mago : Voice actor

@JOTE_ : Android porter

@MissingMat : Video editor

  • Retired/former members

@Btchfx : Composer

@pityalvares__: Graphic designer

@Primavero_15 : voice actor

@Geldekou: Character modeler


@IvanG : Creator of the whole Jolly and Jollibee's games

@realscawthon : Creator of FNAF

Check this out too!

Jolly Hivemind made by: @Mortuus

Jolly 2 Risen made by: @edu_mohe

Jolly As Above So Below made by: @Trius aka @LBMShipmentsInc

Jolly 2023 made by: @Orangeade_Games


#fangame #horror #fnaf #survival #pointnclick #strategy #Jolly #fnaf

Cartoon Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed


None of the team is willing to work on this game, it has been dead for so long and I wasn't even gonna be able to code it myself.

Even if nobody cares about this game, here is some stuff that was made of the game.

Sorry for disappointing


One of our characters modeler, @DydronYT , has been banned from the jolly community and his fangames where he and his team put a lot of effort are going to be cancelled.

Advanced Technology

Jolly The Bee

George the Tiger

Soon we are going to get remodeled, things are happening behind the scenes just have to be patient...

As for now, Ask anything that you want (related to the game) and I will answer you!

Go follow and support this man with his fan model of Jolly!