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Оч неплохо выглядит, буду ждать релиза

HN DevGamm Remake its a mod for original Hn game made on mod kit by 3 teenagers from Russia. HN DevGamm Remake its a mod with legendary DevGamm house and with own lore! Follow me and follows news! #fangame #horror #helloneighbor

Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore

Okay guys, I’m taking a little break from work on mod. I think I’ll continue work on it at 4th of March, on break I’ll be thinking about new things for add to mod and lore

This is first look on mod’s map! I’ll make it better soon

Added a Ron Ashley model. Yeah, his name is Ron Ashley

So, I’ll download DevGamm houses from other mods and make them with textures

Okay, see you tomorrow

Today my work day on HN DevGamm remake is ended! This is was my first day, I made a lore house from act 1 of original HN with some easter eggs, this house will be use in act 2 and maybe 4 in mod. I tried make my own DevGamm houses too, but it were ugly