Comments (302)
Hey Everyone!!
Thank you all for the comments and Gameplay videos,
As of late we have been discussing the possibility of bringing Stowaway back as an IP, and after seeing all the recent videos and support we have decided that the game deserves a second chance to be more than a demo.
So thank you for all your support and encouragement!!
I know this is probably a little late due to the Kickstarter getting cancelled but I did a playthrough of the Alpha Demo and if I'm honest this game scared me beyond belief! I don't know what it was but between the opressive atmosphere and awesome ambient sounds I genuinely felt a sense of dread.
I really hope you find a way to make this game a reality, as I believe it has the promise to actually and metaphorically scare the pants off me!
Seriously awesome job guys!
looks like monstrum
Is there any cheap jumpscares? Or is it going to be like SOMA?
Ah, Unreal Engine 4. What a sexy engine.
Stowaway: [Alpha Demo]
On the outskirts of the Arctic circle, deep within the bowels of a Russian Nuclear Icebreaker;
There is nowhere to run...
Stowing away MAY BE the craziest move you ever make, but as you explore each deck of the "NS Polaris" and uncover its twisted underlying intentions, you will kind of wish you’d stayed at home.
Using Epic Games' next generation Unreal Engine 4 your experience will be visually stunning and expertly crafted, resulting in intense levels of immersion throughout the entire game.
With inspiration from games like Amnesia and Outlast; this horror game plans to leave you with an unrivaled fear as well as an unmatched desire to know more…
Fantasy Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Tobacco Reference