Game Community
Issabelle: duque das trevas
2 Members


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Version: 0.0.1about 2 years ago
in devloper version alpha for map and resourses test

this is a buid to test the procedural maps and a simple resourses in the game

#aventura #rpg #estudioskrenak

Intense Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Tobacco Use
Mild Language
Simulated Gambling

Hey devs goodnigth to ALL...

I backing Theo devlopmento of my games in Theo next weekend, creatina a New 3d adventory RPG game (a newest version of Isabelle but in 3d) i need more ideias to Theo game

I use The Godot engine with implementa and blender...

i laucher a buid to test the procedural maps and a simple resourses in the game

Ok today i create a procedural wolrd in godot but, the map in the medium size (1500 x 900 tiles) consume a total of 3gb ram and a 4.2 mb of vram....

Hoje criei um mapa peocedural de 1500 x 900 tiles que consome toda minha memoria ram e apenas 4 mb de vram

Ok, i never give up but maker a game with code demand a bigest time if i not have resourses (hardwares and prograns) to acelerate the devlopement.... Sorry but i need more time to complet the game...

(the PTBR Translate in the artique)

finally, i've installed de gotot engine in my potato, and i've studing for transfer my game for this engine

resulting in a best quality and light game, this is free