Comments (7)
I rly had fun meme'ing around with this. And it actually scared me a couple of times lmao. Good to see how far you've gotten since Ledex
Hey I derped around in it for awhile. As you can see in my video I had quite a bit of fun. Im not sure exactly what the objective is but it looks like the start of something cool. I look forward to further development.
My Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M62sELn6AVw
havent played yet but all the random caps say save us
Good start, but is there supposed to be no sound? and what objective is in the game, what i have to do here? (Sorry for bad english)
The Taking
Note : If there are any problems please tell me!!
You are working for the police. Their was robberieS, murders, and kidnAping. You are interested in the kidnaps. FiVe people where missing, one of thosE people was was your girl friend. The day you were going to propose to her, but it took her you shot at it you ran after it, but you lost it. you go to the police station. They do a investigation, but with a lack of evidence they could not do anything. So they kept a eye on you. everywhere you go they will always follow you. The city was closed down for all the kidnaping's and now you are going back to the town, the town of horror, the town of disrespect, the town of murders. This is yoUr Story, go down with it.
Exciting new!
We are working with Obsolete Machines! Obsolete Machines are a band and we are using there music witch they said they were find with, and please check them out.
Triton Game Studios
Distant Traveler