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It's Puki! The Silly Pumpkin (Windows)
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It's Puki! The Silly Pumpkin (Windows compatibility)
Compatibility version for Windows
Backgrounds for mobile devices
A set of pictures for background use in mobile devices
It's Puki! The Silly Pumpkin is a small project (small prototype) done during October from a sketch done by Alba (my lovely girlfriend ) during a boredom moment.
It's Puki!
The night of Halloween Puki (The Silly Pumpkin) wants to have some fun with friends watching spooky films and eating candies. But they forgot to buy the candies!!! So Puki has to go around the farm getting all the lost candies. #platformer #spooky

Credits to all of the next assets used:
Godot Splash Screen: @Lab___Rat | https://labrat93.itch.io/
Music: Loyalty Freak Music | https://loyaltyfreakmusic.com/
Ghoulish Fright Font: Brian J. Bonislawsky | http://www.astigmatic.com/
Textures: Wild textures | https://wildtextures.com/