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The JadeJohnson Games JadeElight™ Thirteenth-Generation PowerPoint-Gaming Console For X64 Windows PowerPoint 2010 And Newer

Version: 20210921.1446.883over 3 years ago
This is the thirteenth-generation PowerPoint-gaming-console that both replaces the old, and serves as the latest edition of the, JadeShop™! All "Update"- and "Upgrade"-buttons and-or -links found in previous "JadeShop"- and console-releases should link to this version, but this Game Jolt-variant may still need to be refreshed via the "Update Console"-button found within the app, as the Game Jolt release is solely the base-build. Thank you for your understanding and patronage.

THE JADESHOP™: Twelfth Generation Edition - Retro Release

Version: 20200320.1212.374about 7 years ago
This was the twelfth-generation-release of The JadeShop. It offered everything that JadeElight does, except for the creation and file-storage aspects, as well as any profiles or episodes. Upgrading this package from within the app should now lead you to a page where you can download JadeElight, so that you're even still up to date! Thank you for your pattronage.

The JadeShop™: Eleventh Generation Edition

Version: 20180206.916.883about 7 years ago
You can download the original eleventh generation variant of "the JadeShop™" here, and you can even update to the new thirteenth generation version from within the program itself! However, the eleventh gen variant of the application is now obsolete, due to the fact that there is now only one supported variant of "The JadeShop". Therefore, clicking "UPDATE" now links you to JadeElight.

The JadeShop™: Compact Edition

Version: 20171130.1915.848over 7 years ago
You can download "The JadeShop: Compact Edition™" here, and you can even update to the new thirteenth generation version from within the program itself! However, the compact variant of the application is now obsolete, due to the fact that there is now only one supported variant of "The JadeShop". Therefore, clicking "UPDATE" now links you to JadeElight. Thank you for your patronage.

The JadeShop™: Tenth Generation Edition

Version: 20170903.1152.786over 7 years ago
You can download the original tenth generation variant of "the JadeShop™" here, and you can even update to the new thirteenth generation version from within the program itself! However, the tenth gen variant of the application is now obsolete, due to the fact that there is now only one supported variant of "The JadeShop". Therefore, clicking "UPDATE" now links you to JadeElight. Thank you for your patronage.

The (Pre-Rebrand) JayShop™

Version: 20171107.1533.883over 7 years ago
Ever wonder about the origin of "The JadeShop™"? Well it all started way back in Twenty Fourteen, with this here little eight bit service, known as, "The JayShop™". It's from all the way back when we were still called, "JayDee Games™", which we rebranded from because we didn't want to get into copyright battles with "J.D. Power®" and the likes. This retro service looks, sounds, and feels pretty different from our modern luxury, eh? And SAD, TOO! But hey, it WAS for the sixth generation of gaming, so; yeah. This works with PowerPoint 2010 and newer, but it's HEAVILY OPTIMIZED for PowerPoint 2016! Updating it does convert it to JadeElight, which does contain the latest version of "The JadeShop™"!

Game Soundtrack

1 song

The JadeShop™: Original In Store Playlist

What Is "JadeElight™"?

"JadeElight™" is a PowerPoint-video-gaming-and-development-platform that offers a large-and-growing collection of downloadable-pre-made-titles, whilst also giving users the ability to create their own software for both storage and enjoyment from within the system's operating-environment; which fully incorporates both the filename, and every modern function, of "The JadeShop™" into a single all-in-one-package. That's right, for the first time ever, the console no longer links to the JadeShop™; the console, is, the JadeShop™!

Console Features:

☑ Every feature from the Non-Streaming-variant of "The JadeShop™",

☑ A new profile-menu with space for up-to-a-hundred user-accounts,

☑ Individually-customizable account-details for all one-hundred profiles,

☑ Shared-storage for up to eight-hundred creations (branded "Episodes"),

☑ A better user-interface than "JadeEfinition™", adding Episode-Retitling,

☑ And an improved file-system with default-storage-folders for more data-types.

Please enjoy, and as always, "Happy Jading!™"

What Used To Be "The JadeShop™"?

The JadeShop™ was a free, codeless, PowerPoint game streaming service (for 2010+) which offered a large and growing variety of titles available to either play online, or store locally on your device! There were also TV, music, and relaxation services and an integrated parental rating system; and new content was added as soon as it was available!

How It Used To Work:

"The JadeShop™" featured a revolutionary eleven way "EXTRAS slash INFO slash CACHE slash TV slash RELAX slash VIBES slash NEWS slash ME slash HELP slash TOOLS slash MAIN" toggle button, which let you switch between the various kinds of media available via the service. "HELP" opened this article, and "TOOLS" provided advanced options.

"ME" Mode:

The default mode was “ME”. This is where you landed when you first logged into the JadeShop application, or when you’d left it alone for five minutes and it refreshed due to inactivity. Whenever Me Mode was active, you were presented with a menu that let you optimize the entire storefront’s visual behavior to suit your needs or fancy. Selecting an item loaded that theme.

“MAIN” Mode:

Main Mode let you stream the majority of the stable and or finalized first party content by "JadeJohnson Games™“, the non for profit, hobby based SlideShowGame company that invented, owns, powered, curated, and updated “The JadeShop™”, and a subsidiary of “JadeJohnson Industries™”.

"MAIN" Mode titles were also available for download in "CACHE" Mode, each appearing under the category of either "PEACEABLE WINS" or "HARDCORE GAMES".

“EXTRAS” Mode:

The "EXTRAS" setting enabled you to stream all of the "JadeJohnson Games™" titles that either were still in development, were cancelled, or had been put on hiatus to be rereleased for a newer "JadeJohnson Games™" "console“; as well as play any second party titles by our subsidiaries, which often may have been in various stages of development and or playability; plus all fully completed, stable, and approved third party releases. "EXTRAS" content was also available for download in "CACHE" Mode, each title appearing under the category of either "PEACEABLE WINS" or "HARDCORE GAMES".

“INFO” Mode:

The "INFO" choice let you read and learn all about our title approval and parental rating protocol, as well as our service wide policy.

“CACHE” Mode:

The "CACHE" option was how you could download titles to your device instead of streaming them. This list was originally filtered for Christians and other gamers of similar religions, to encourage "Jesus Like Gameplay To Achieve 'Peaceable Wins'"; however, it was later improved to accommodate for “Jaders™” (the truest and most loyal fans of “JadeJohnson Industries™”) and developers of all personalities and parties respectively.

“TV” Mode:

The "TV" feature let you discover game trailers, sneak peeks, longplays, FMV (Full Motion Video) game bloopers and deleted scenes, developer interviews, and original content, all of which were streamable to your device. You could also download them using their dedicated "CACHE" Mode section.

“RELAX” Mode:

The "RELAX" button took you to "LULL™ By JadeJohnson Films™, A Subsidiary Of JadeJohnson Industries™", a free service that aimed to help you unwind and temporarily forget about the distresses in your life, by either soothing you, or making you laugh your head off. The best part though, is that you yourself got to choose which benefit you get out of it! Relaxation Materials could also be downloaded via their section in "CACHE" Mode.

“VIBES” Mode:

Choosing "VIBES" enabled you to view and stream a then growing list of available covers and original songs, as well as other audio clips curated by JadeJohnson Records, produced by either the latter, one or more of its subsidiaries, or any third party individual or group either requesting or having granted permission to have their track made available to JadeShop customers. In any case, the audio and all related items in question were bound to the JadeShop Policy, hence, that which was available on our platform was perfectly family friendly! "VIBES" audio was also available for download via its section in "CACHE" Mode.

“NEWS” Mode:

The "NEWS" asset offered the latest news from different developers who had signed up for the "Jader News Program™", and we made sure to verify all stories true via any third party developers who managed said related titles before even thinking about listing them on our platform. The only included anything regarding games that never seemed to be getting any closer to their release dates, but whose (third party) developers constantly insisted were coming soon.

Third Party Developer Protocol:

Third party developers could provide a Dropbox link, title, and description in the Comments section to have their content reviewed and hopefully added to the JadeShop listings.

As a third-party developer, you were sometimes asked if one or more of your titles could be offered for either streaming, download, or both on "The JadeShop™". If you said no, we would respect your wishes, on a per title basis, unless you expressedly stated that you did not care to develop for our platform whatsoever. In said case only, we would not irk you further unless you specifically asked us to host one or more of your titles on your own accord.

You also had the choice of letting us download only the showcasing videos that were the most relevant to the titles you agreed to let us host, so that we could upload them to our servers as part of our "TV" service, which would enable others to either stream them online, or save them to their own devices for personal offline consumption.

If you had any PowerPoint Games you wished to share with us, they fell under the "EXTRAS Mode" category, and you could request that we host or not host each on a per title basis.

Finally, we do support site promotion, so if you wanted more viewers, readers, or subscribers for your site or YouTube channel in return, we could totally accommodate for that with a credit to you on your title's JadeShop page complete with an embedded link, even having gone so far as to add an unskippable video clip featuring your full YouTube intro, if any (only if not already included in your main content), as a loading screen that would play before granting any and all Jaders access to the titles of yours that we hosted.

The third party rules were universal, so the same applied for relaxation materials, music, and all then-future services open to third parties.

Family Friendly Language Policy:

JadeJohnson Industries™ has a family friendly language policy. No JadeShop material, whether first, second, or third party, may contain any swear words, not even those as "light" as the p word (normally followed by "off") that means to make angry, the c word that means excrement, the d word that means condemn, and the h word that means the underworld. For security purposes, Visual Basic was also prohibited in titles released to "The JadeShop™".

#other #GameStreaming #Game #Streaming #PowerPoint #Power #Point #PPT #Microsoft #Office #MS #MSPPT #MsPowerPoint

#JadeElight #JayDelight #Jade #Delight #Elight #Console #Platform #OperatingSystem #OperatingSystems #Operating #System #Systems #OperatingEnvironment #OperatingEnvironments

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Brief Nudity
Suggestive Themes
Comical Shenanigans

The JadeElight Console Is Here! It replaces the originally-standalone JadeShop-service, and adds six incredibly-welcome new-features! Please enjoy, and as always, "Happy Jading!™"

  0 votes Voting finished

We don't think that it would be practical to stream a hundred and sixty nine megabyte GSF II Play Pack on "The JadeShop™": and that's at max "JadeElight™" compression levels too! But hey: at least we tried it for you, and that's what really matters.

"Anime Monsters Battle XI Streamed: Reverberations Of An Unreal Era (Comprehensive Rendition)" Is Now On The JadeShop, And Boy Does It Stream Fast Compared To The Original AnNiĂŠMoN Battle 11 Game! How Is That Possible?!

We've Done The Impossibly Epic Once More, And Released The World's First Twelfth Generation Console (In Twenty Nineteen) A Day Early! Get The Emulator From "The JadeShop™️" Now!

What's New In "The JadeShop™" Since June Ninth Of Twenty Nineteen?