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Discord server
ESP: En un mundo al borde del colapso, donde las alianzas son frágiles y la guerra es constante, la organización militar internacional conocida como Jolt Forces se alza como la última barrera entre la humanidad y la opresiva dominación del Nexus Core. Este oscuro conglomerado militar ha expandido su influencia a través de tácticas de terror y manipulación, con un único objetivo: gobernar el mundo a través del miedo y la violencia.
ENG: In a world on the brink of collapse, where alliances are fragile and war is constant, the international military organization known as Jolt Forces stands as the last barrier between humanity and the oppressive domination of the Nexus Core. This shadowy military conglomerate has expanded its influence through tactics of terror and manipulation, with a single goal: to rule the world through fear and violence.
The project is not confirmed but I’m thinking of making a game inspired by this social network with unic characters, known and obviously some madness combat...
The project is not confirmed so I promise nothing...
#shooter #other #action #multiplayer #FPS #FirstPersonShooter #FirstPerson