
Khotyn Defense
A Tower Defense game to honor the outstanding teamwork of the Polish and the Ukranian Cossacks during the Battle of Khotyn in 1621. You can conveniently drag and drop different troops inspired by real Commonwealth and Cossack garrisons, while being attacked by hoards of Ottoman Troops, who outnumber you 3:1. Your goal? Defend the near perfect recreation of Khotyn Castle. On your hands lies the future of the Commonwealth, and Europe itself.
Gameplay video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYaz6P6pgec
Development Team:
Chris "Lokinado" Borowski (Lokinado#4994)
Mateusz "Malina" Malinowski (malina#9935)
Marcin "Marcin" Skic (MartinDraft#3887)
Adrian "Bartosz" Okleciński (radiAn#7488)
Kornelia "Brodzoł" Bordzoł (neutri#8548)
Assets we didn't create ourselves:
The gameboard tiles
That's it, everything else we made on our own, and we are especially proud of the Castle which is historically accurate and the military leaders.