Comments (6)
Good sir, might I ask... why is this not a thing and will you need voice acting for this beauty?

Disclaimer: "Damensions" is purposefully spelt this way, because Dababy joke. This game is not targeted towards being serious, nor will it be treated seriously. If you want a serious plot, cope.
Basically, you're sucked into some random portal and must survive an onslaught on unfunny jokes, memes and basically things that make 2016 YouTube seem like a picnic. Spoilers ahead, Kirb is the reason why this is all happening and you have to stop the eternal suck, or the whole Universe will implode.
Yeah, this has lore that will never be mentioned again because Kirb says so. Also, he isn't the real bad guy of the story, but that's just a spoiler, a game spoiler. Cry about it.
Note: The game is meant to look low-budget, to those who are going to say it.
This is a fun little game I have wanted to make for about a Month and I have finally gotten around to it, so it's not meant to be taken seriously at all. If I were treating this like how I usually do with my games, you would probably cry. Don't ask why, you just would. Yeah, you have 5 or something levels and that's really it. Honestly, the game makes no sense and will never make sense because the point is to not make sense of something that never makes sense, does that not make sense? No, it doesn't because it does not make sense.
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence