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Kolosse Web Version

Version: 0.1.0almost 7 years ago
Play without having to download.

Kolosse Windows Download

Version: 0.6.0almost 7 years ago
Playable on windows. Just unzip the folder. This version will look and feel smoother.


WASD to move
Space-bar to pause and bring up menu
"O" and "P" are action buttons

A gamepad is recommended to play this game (works with xbox and playstation USB controllers)

Collect critters called Kolossé. Find your favorites and customize their attacks and techniques to skillfully utilize them in combat and adventure

What's not to love! It's like Pokemon mixed with Super Smash Bros and Street Fighter, with a pinch of Undertale.

This game is still has a long way to go before it's complete. The pictures above we're taken during an early version of the game. Current version doesn't look like that graphically because I reworked the code from the ground up.

2019 update:
I want to continue working on this game, but school and family needs my attention.

Nathan Ethington (IngoLingo) - Art, Animation, Programing and Game Design
Rhyme Lee (Rhymelie) - Music

To do list:
-Add the art/graphics
-Create a dynamic music system
-Add music back in
-Polish the menus
-Every thing else
-Finish the game

Mild Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans

General Update - 3

Art Update - 2

I finished most of the in game artwork. All I need to work on is the title screen, pause menu, flavor text, and the music.

Sprite Art Update - 1