
Comments (2)

What do you think?

looks like a pretty good game I am going to review this on my youtube channel if you want to watch search prokiller 229 and fires patriot will come up click on it and you can watch my vid it wiil be out soon


Five Nights At Geometry's Beta (Don't play this if you want to see how the real game looks)

Version: 0.1.0about 8 years ago
This is what my game would look like without a team.

"There is practically nothing to fear here... except your own fears."

You are a member of team Delta, an elite military group with superhuman powers that is focused on one thing: keeping these so-called "nightmares" in a bunker. But if they were let loose into the outside world, it would result in world destruction.



Mild Cartoon Violence

Special Thanks

Special thanks to Wardoctor for making these amazing teasers for this game!
Please Sub to him on YT:

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