Comments (28)
Shine dash is so pretty O_O
Great game with really well executed mechanics
I did some gameplay for it if you want to check it out.
I really liked this 2D Collect-o-thon.
I hope it'll have more Content and Variety soon.
Lucid - (LudumDare entry)
No install required for download version. (Controls & HUD info below...)
- - Overview - -
Lucid is a simple platform game originally created for the 72-hour Ludum Dare #30 game jam. It is very much in an alpha stage. :)
You take the role of Ceruleine, a little crow and sorceress of lucidity, who sneaks into the dreams of other creatures to gather shiny fragments of memories.
- - Controls - -
M = Cycle music volumes.
**Arrows = Move / Aim shine dash.
Z = Interact (Use this on creatures to enter and exit their dreams.)
X = Jump.
C** = Shine-dash. (Darts instantly in the direction held.)
**WASD = Move / Aim shine dash.
L = Interact (Use this on creatures to enter and exit their dreams.)
K = Jump.
J** = Shine-dash. (Darts instantly in the direction held.)
Gampad Left Stick = Move / Aim shine dash.
B or Y = Interact (Use this on creatures to enter and exit their dreams.)
A or L-Trig = Jump.
R-Trig or X = Shine-dash. (Darts instantly in the direction held.)
**Gampad "Start"** = Pressing the gamepad start button, while holding the Left-Stick towards a comfortable custom "up" direction, will Recalibrate the Left-Stick to use your new custom "up" direction, with all other directions interpreted relative to your new "up".
**Gampad "Back" **= This will reset the Left-Stick to use the default "up" direction.
- - Heads up display - -
Shine-dash stamina bar:
(Violet bar at bottom)
This shows you the amount of energy you have available for using your shine-dash ability. When filled it stores 2 charges. It will recharge rapidly until full.
Memory fragment counter:
(Dots just below Shine-dash bar)
This shows the number of memory fragments remaining to be collected.
- - Features - -
Ceruleine's eyes will dart between subjects of interest as you approach them. Creatures and memory fragments tend to snare her attention to the exclusion of everything else. She also blinks periodically, and closes her eyes when she drifts off to sleep. Ceruleine is constructed from several objects that animate independently.
Ceruleine's feat are animated procedurally and will stretch out to kick off of corners as she jumps up past them, or as she backpedals down an embankment. Taking a running start that includes kicking off a corner will give her a little extra jumping power too. (e.g. The first hill can be scaled without dashing at all.)
The predictive camera system will smoothly swing out in front of you, an amount proportional to your velocity, to give you a better view of where you're headed.
Dash particles, memory fragment particles. I like particles.
Ceruleine is controlled by a combination of physics and a custom platform and detector system.
Parallax background. Always need a parallax background. :)
- - Known Issues - -
60Hz refresh rate: If your monitor is set to a refresh rate other than 60Hz, the game will not run the correct speed (e.g. 120Hz will run it at 2x speed). This game is not yet frame rate independent, though I hope to fix that.
Low FPS in Firefox:
Firefox seems to have a problem with C2/HTML5 games. The Desktop or Quick Play versions should run smoothly though. Other browsers such as Chrome seem to work exceptionally well for C2/HTML5 games. I Don't use Chrome as my main browser, but I do keep a copy just for HTML5 applications and games.