
Comments (4)

What do you think?

Going to release a pre-alpha to the game

The name caught my eye. Could you tell me a bit more about the game (artstyle, premise etc.)?

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Effects on movement

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Crass Humor

The effects are being worked on right now I'll give you guys a slice of it...


STORY- The story will be... lets say... REALIZATIION, OUT.

The creatures that you'll find will be... NOT OUT MIND

It's going for a story action "zelda based" adventure that will be... hopefully fun. But its still a early in devoloping so some stuff will change. Monochrome green is the style that we are aiming for...

Proof of concept is being worked on right now... Mostly testing...

Hello guys... This is my first game making on game jolt

This is a fun game that will have around 1-2 hours of play time, not including collectables