Comments (2)
Can I Just Say This Looks AWESOME! You're Really Good At Modelling! Can't Wait To See What This Game Becomes :)
Game Soundtrack
MORTEM GAME: TWO GAME MODES ( THREE ACTULLY) , !. STORY MODE (solo) , 2. STORY MODE (Multiplayer), 3. ONLINE MULTIPLAYER up to 16 players killers VS survivors. Ok so lets start of with story mode, story mode has you as a detective named deric, You have been on a case for a few months now where 10 kids had gone missing in a single week, and you have reason to believe this old rotten mansion might be where they are. you go in and have low hopes they survived but once you enter the door behind you shuts and your stuck, but you keep going in this house that is oddly bigger then it seemed before like way to big and its strange something about it is odd and errie, you here a tone of thumps all of a sudden and here somthing in the dark its... its breathing watching you... what will you do... when you find out there are tons of creatures in this house. - anyway theres a sneak peak of the games story, now on to online, which is cool :) , so online story is simular so wont go into that but for the online part i will go over what we go its a survival mode for survivors we got about 40 or 50 killers designs done and like 4 survivors and about 8 maps have been made, survivors will need to get stuff to defend from the killers and to escape while killers need to kill them ( dead survivors can be saved for now at least) so lets go over some of the killers AKA the ones shown off rn, PS. MAPS FOR KILLERS ARE JUST MAPS THAT THE KILLER IS UNLOCKED WITH NOT THAT THEY CAN ONLY BE ON IT THE KILLERS CAN BE ON ANY MAP. and INSTA KILLS CAN ONLY BE USED ONCE PER MATCH.
![the_watcher_art.jpg the_watcher_art.jpg](https://m.gjcdn.net/content/750/3263498-r4e2uktb-v4.webp)
MAP FOR CHARECTER IS: THE HOUSE, THE WATCHER: this killer is a main killer its in story and online but we will go over online since his abilitys are simular, so the watcher is a SLASHER KILLER for now he used to be a CRAWLER but was changed because hi abilitys fall more in slasher, he has a normal attack which is with his right hand so he just hits there, then he has his left hand which is a much bigger arm that was placed on him in an ecperiment it has to charge to be used, but it takes half helth and a minute recharge, he has another ability to crawl on any surface including side walls and cellings because of his robotic spider legs, he also has a attack to bite where he will bite the survivors neck , then he has a attack that allows him to use one of his legs to stomp on a survivor geting them stuck in one place for 5 seconds and injured. then his insta kill allows him to dig three parts of his leg into ones heart killing them.
![the_watcher_concept.jpg the_watcher_concept.jpg](https://m.gjcdn.net/content/750/3263531-gbvxbvsv-v4.webp)
![rodent.jpg rodent.jpg](https://m.gjcdn.net/content/750/3263544-ddn63ba9-v4.webp)
MAP FOR CHARECTER IS: THE SEWERS, THE RODENT: THE RODENT is a killer that is able to find it foe easily with its right robotic arm with a eye in it which allows him to see where near by survivors are for 6 seconds, but the recharges for 1 minute, his left arm is able to hit survivors from a far tho, the creature on the back can bite survivors if they get to close, and the killer can bite the opponents to. the killer type is POWER, and his insta kill is where his monster on his back will eat you whole.
![the_deamon.jpg the_deamon.jpg](https://m.gjcdn.net/content/750/3263558-itneu75e-v4.webp)
MAP FOR CHARECTER: HELL, CHARECTER, THE DEAMON: the deamon is a ELEMENTAL KILLER THAT ELEMENT IS FIRE, so alot of his attacks involve this. he can burn one if he grabs you, he also has fire breath which can hurt for a while since it lasts he has a inraged power where his horns catch on fire and his claws and he chases someone down which if he lands the attack it kills u, but it has a 2 minute cool down, HE CAN BITE AND SCRATCH PEOPLE AS WELL, His insta kill is to take one down to hell and burn them alive ( his recharge power is not his insta kill its just really cool)
![jane.jpg jane.jpg](https://m.gjcdn.net/content/750/3263580-62iypixw-v4.webp)
MAP: CITY, KILLER, JANE: jane is A STEALTH KILLER, so she can hide in shadows AND CROUTCH TO SLOWLY APROCH A SURVIVOR BEFOR KILLING THEM, SHE IS THE FEMALE VERSION OF TERRY SO BOTH HAVE THE SAME ATTACKS ( TERRY WILL BE SHOWN LATER), ONE IS A CHARGE ATTACK WHERE SHE WILL CHARGE AT A SURVIVOR DROPING THEM TO THE FLOOR AND STABING THEM (RECARGE ATACK IT HAS 30 second recharge), this can injure them badly, her normal attacks are slashing the oponent, her ista kill is running behind a opponent slashing their neck then stabing thim alot in the stomic.
![bill.jpg bill.jpg](https://m.gjcdn.net/content/750/3263603-njs9dz5n-v4.webp)
MAP: WEARHOUSE, KILLER: BILL, bill is more of a killer who slashes so HE IS A SLASHER because he mainly hits charecters, but his rechargable attack is where he vomits on a player infecting them where they need to find a antiviris ( rechargable 1 minute) then he has a second rechargable for2 minutes which is an inrage where he gets spikes on his head and runs fast and is stronger, his insta kill is to drown you in the infected substences.
![the_project.jpg the_project.jpg](https://m.gjcdn.net/content/750/3263619-v26vwfic-v4.webp)
MAP: ABANDOND LABATORY, KILLER: THE PROJECT: *&&%$%#%^&^*^&*^$%$^%&^*&*(&^%&^amp;*^&(*(***(&^*^*&*(
KILLER INSTA KILL:*(&^^*^&*^*^*UNDETERMINED*&^*^*(^*^*&^*^
![unnamed.jpg unnamed.jpg](https://m.gjcdn.net/content/750/3263639-gezbytdf-v4.webp)
SO THERE YOU HAVE IT THE GAME IS STILL IN EARLY DEVELOPMENT EVEN THO ITS BEEN WORKED ON FOR ABOUT 4 years now but its still going so yay, it will take a while but i will keep updating #multiplayer #other #strategy #survival #horror
AFK_SAGE: modeling, assist coding, map design, charecter development, gameplay, consept art, MUSIC , charecter desighns, all charecters belong to AFK_SAGE
AFK_FORGETFUL (brother): coding.
Pigeon Nguyen: consept artist, remake designs of charecters.