Comments (56)
Found any bugs? Please let me know here!
hi, big big thx for the great game. i love it. greetings from germany
Its REALLY COOL GAME... but it was for me a bit short... I passed it under about 20 minutes. I didn't count... But anyway. THE GAME IS COOL :D I never thought that epic games can created by this game engine... (PS. I using same game engine but I didn't get my game developer skill LIKE THIS :D)
I love this really much, amazing job dude ^^
dang dude, really liked the style of the game, and great idea for a game as well. I really enjoyed the experience for what it was. Good work, and glad you're making more!
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiGNC1T5DX8&t=91s
MainFrame_A Anniversary Update
Download this if you want the best experience! MainFrame_A is one year old now and to collabrate I made a large update for the game which improves a lot of things. There are also Wallpapers and the games .mfa file in there! Enjoy
MainFrame_A [Pre-Anniversary Version]
MainFrame_A Prologue
Note: This is a very short prologue and NOT the full version
Game Soundtrack
Menu Theme - Digital Fortress - Machinimasound
I'm working on a new project called Fighter of EVE. https://gamejolt.com/games/fighterofeve/312958

... It is the year 20██. It's late at night and you are sitting in front of your PC being bored. Suddenly the screen starts to glitch out and a figure known as [entity 453] appears on your screen. He tells you a story about a guy called ███. ███ just got his hand on a new copy of CalciOS but the ISO file seems to be corrupted. The file corrupted the ███.file. It is the most important file in the system. Now it's your task to get into the ███.file and fix THE ERROR.

entity453 - The Guide
entity712 - The Guardian
guest 04

Windows XP or newer...
DirectX 9
1GB of RAM
A monitor with a minimum resolution of 960x640
Every potato can run this game.
Mild Language