
Comments (79)

What do you think?

This is absolutely gorgeous o.o
You rock, man!

I'm surprised nobody has heard of this. I'll try and spread the word. Also, do you plan on add a easy mode to this game so plebs like me can enjoy it? Maybe even use the slide and charge shot? (And save data?)

Absolutely amazing! I would definitely give it a 9.5!
Besides some lack of info on the weapon cycling buttons, the weird ice physics and some enemy placements/behavior(the placement is the same as the original, but some changes in the game speed, processing and in the enemies overall made many situations unfairly harder or just impossible to react in time.)

I don't think I really have anything else to complain, the little details in the backgrounds and the gorgeous artwork(specially in the ending sequences) are things I just won't forget anytime soon!
GREAT work! You should definitely try the subsequent games.
Also, great work balancing some Megaman 1 and 2 issues and some bugs. I didn't test much besides a casual playthrough of both games, but the spike invincibility works, no pause glitch, air movements seems fine and the checkpoints are less stupid in Megaman 2.

Also, um... I got Item 2 for whatever reason after defeating Metal and Bubble Man. I used it on Heat Man's stage and it worked properly, then I officialy got it again after defeating Airman and nothing changed. Should check that out.

Incredible piece of art right here.

im back and i have a few glitches tell you there is only one major glitch and a few minor and a few things that could be improved.
the major glitch is in guts man stage where if you go to where the first screen scroll (where you go down) there is a chance here the game will scroll when you land on a block and your game softlocks.
other glitches i found are music can cut out randomly, ladders shot items upward holding a block with gutsmans ability will make your sprite go from a standing to a sliding, and some times you can faze through the magnetize beam.
the game is really good it feels alot like the original
but the only thing i have a problem with (other than glitches) is how some enemies seem faster than normal like the bombs that jump out of the ground in bomb mans stage they seemed super fast, and the sniper joes i could not kill him no matter what i did, what could help this is if you gave him 2 hit boxes one for his shield that will bounce project tiles off it and joe making you attack his back with cut mans ability or when he jumps he lands on the project tile and gets hurt.

how i can play on full screen?


Megaman Remake v1.9

Version: 1.9.2almost 6 years ago
This version has Mega man 1 and 2. also controller is not supported on this version

Megaman Remake v.9

Version: 0.9.0about 7 years ago
The "full" Megaman 1 remake plus some extras (I mean besides the bugs that I havent fixed) PS: the "difficult" option doesnt do anything yet

Megaman Remake demo

Version: 0.0.5over 7 years ago
This demo has only 3 Robot masters; Cutman Gutsman Bombman. / Elecman, Iceman and Fireman stages are playable but not finished and there are no boss battles

Now with 100% more megaman!
-get it? couse it has Megaman 1 and 2 ...

A fan remake for the 30th aniversary of Megaman

If you have an error regarding some "Vertex Shader", try installing the latest DirectX, i know its dumb but it shuld work

If you find any major bug please report them here

List of know (yet not fixed) bugs:
-Bosses and jumping enemies get stuck on walls
-Randomly falling trough Magnet beam

#platformer #megaman #rockman #fangame #fanremake #retro #remake #remaster

Mild Fantasy Violence

Changelog for the version 1.9b:

Finally released, i worked on this for almost 1 year and half now and im proud of what I acomplished.
Thanks everyone who played and followed the game till now, Enjoy!

You can also use Q and W to cycle your weapons on this version.

It's almost here

Happy 30 anniversary Megaman 2 !

I expect to release this update before march, just like the other one so stay tuned (?)


Happy 31st anniversary to Megaman!

Thankyou to everyone who has played the game.
I may have a update in a week or 2....