Comments (18)

cool game! I think my favourite part is when you feel like you're narrowly dodging all the lasers and things just line up really well. You really feel like you're pulling something cool off. Graphics are also fun and the theme is pretty cool!
Really enjoyed this one! I mean it has mice, cheese, fast paced fun game play, and cute art. What more could you ask for? I thought the scaling of the game worked out well in terms of the different attacks you had to avoid and the increase in speed. The better cheeses to pick up only being temporary meant you had to think and act quickly to take advantage of them which I enjoyed. Awesome job!

High score is 15,500. What an addicting game
Cool little game
This is my personal favourite game in the top-8. Gameplay is simple, but is worked out in great detail. Every game is different, yet haven't had any impossible situations. Lots of variation. The 2-player mode is very nice, in that you are competing against each other, but may also decide to help each other. The only thing I didn't like is the menu and the Game-over screen, it just doesn't fit the rest of the game.
The moon has run out of cheese!
Join the forces of the Massive Interplanetary Cheesefinding Expedition (M.i.C.E.), pillage all the cheese and precious Cheesemaking Organisms of Wholesome Sustenance (C.O.W.S.) you can for the glory of the lunar rodent nation!
Player 1, move with the arrow keys, Player 2 move with WASD #action #multiplayer #operagxjam #arcade #gamemaker #ufo #pixelart #retro