
This is a prototype of a swinging game that I am working on. In this version, only the movement mechanics are implemented, as well as a testing grounds for players.
I will continue to be working on the game to eventually have a full release here and on Steam. The target price is at about $20, but realistically, it would be at around $10 once I'm finish with the main gameplay. I will also be continuously updating the game when I add new features and content(expect a lot of these).
What will encompass the extra $10? Mostly content involving open world building and story, as well as quests.
If you would like to know more about how the completed game will look like and play, please leave a comment down below, I will check the comments at least once a day.
Step 1 : Extract files to folder of your choosing.
Step 2 : Open folder and find Miniass application.
Step 3 : Execute Miniass application.
If you like the prototype and want to see my swinging game completed faster, please donate so I can work less and spend more time on the project. Thank you for any donations, it will greatly help my uptime in development and rejuvenate my soul. #action #grapple #swinging #3D #Openworld