
The Cycles: Duck Hunting(MOBILE)
Oh no! The ducks are trying to steal our harvest! We have to defend all the harvest from the ducks!
[CYCLEPEDEA] [ENEMIES] Ducky: This is a duck who is trying to steal our crops! Cool Ducky: This duck got some nice drip and also he uses a skateboard to go faster and also he's stronger Fat Ducky: THIS DUCKY IS THE DORD MODERATOR, ok sorry but yes, this ducky is a really tanky enemy since it's a fat and chunky ducky Blue Ducky: some people wonder how the heck does a blue duck exist, but that's the answer. now one knows!. he's also faster and stronger then average ducky for some reason Rage ducky: he is Angy because he has attempted tds hard core 500 vigintillion times and he cant beat it so he is mad. at half of his hp he will rage, going much faster then normal. Balloon ducky: poor little ducky got himself stuck in a balloon, however, this is his advantage, him flying makes most attacks unable to hit him, once he gets his hp by half, he falls back to the ground and then acts like a stronger normal ducky, any ranged projectiles that are pretty sharp will insta-destroy his balloon. P3NGU: A mechanical penguin-ish foe that was created by the nerd duck and can shoot lasers that deals 50 damage Operator Ducky: A duck from the D.U.C.K which upon death it spawns some Agent Ducks Agent Ducky: A ducky which is spawned by operator ducky and also part of D.U.C.K which shoots bullets that deals 25 damage Zombie Ducky: A ducky that is zombified! D: Flying Ducky: Just like Balloon ducky but flies permamently just like a ducky's dream Mother Ducky: A Ducky that has already gotten eggs which seems like it. Egg: egg, spawns a random ducky upon death. rare gold ducky: hit this duck to heal the harvest Shield Ducky: wheilding a Shield, this duckys is quite tanky, yet slow, as he loses hp is Shield breaks more and more, making him faster. Pixel ducky: Minecraft ducky real!?!?!?!. yes but actually no. he's pixel ducky now. speed track ducky: this ducky is hyped for the next fall guys season so he brought a speed track item from season 1 with him, you might want to kill him fast or he will temporary boost the ducky's speed!. circuit ducky: what do you get when you combine circuit: a annoying enemy, and a ducky: basic duck: you get this guy, he also temporary boost ducky's too but only on certain costumes of his sprite. unfairness ducky: he is based of expunged, he is fast and kind of strong so kill him fast Aswell. Flag ducky: slightly stronger and faster then normal ducky, spawns at the start of each wave unlike any other ducky's. Lead Ducky: It's a Ducky but covered with lead! Each attack does 0.5 to 2 damage! The only efficent damages is the explosion Lead Balloon Ducky: This ducky has lead balloon for some reason and now when an object is from the sky does only the same damage as the ducky falls also has more health. Heal Ducky: This Ducky can heal itself! The healing process gives him +5 health by every 1 to 2 seconds and also has more health than normal Ducky. Roller Ducky: a Duck without legs decided to use rollers, he goes fast Rainbow Ducky: Taste The Rainbow!!!! He goes slightly faster and has more health Explosive Ducky: He has a bomb, which upon death, he explodes, causing a long ammount of dead duckies but stuns MR Duck Spawner Ducky: This Ducky has a ducky spawner which spawns random duckies Cool Fat Ducky: He's so cool!!!! Has more health but slower than a cool ducky Sword Ducky: Has a sword that he can slash, which he can stun MR and damage the crops. [DEFENDERS] MR.: HE'S PLAYABLE!!!!! Controls: He follows you, tap him to attack, has a chance of a critical hit Pew Pew: He shoots arrows with his crossbow but inaccurately Hunter: Shoots a gun but shoots innacurately but more useful since it has a rage and deals more damage net cat: has a net that can stop duckys from moving for 1 second.
sorry for the long desc
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