
Comments (2)

What do you think?

20 minutes for the final boss man, jeez way to make it deserving of the title >w<


Monarch Melee

Version: 1.0.0almost 4 years ago

Monarch Melee

Defeat all contenders to be crowned the new king in this boss rush game.

Created by QuietBenchZen -



  • WOW Sound

    • Defeat Stinger 

    • Victory Stinger

    • Victory Loop

  • Game Master Audio

    • Bear sounds

    • Kingsguard into sword and dash sounds

    • Golem projectiles

    • Player attack and damaged sounds

  • Evil Mind

    • Golem nova attack sound

    • Kingsguard mirror image and bounce attack sounds

    • King sounds

    • Wolf sounds 

    • Impact sound 

    • Golem growl


  1. Loopable Dungeon Ambience by JaggedStone

  2. Battle Theme 1 By Alexandr Zhelanov

  3. Battle Theme 2 By Alexandr Zhelanov

  4. Battle Theme 4 By Alexandr Zhelanov

  5. Battle Theme B by CynicMusic

  6. Heroic Demise by Matthew Pablo

  7. Battle Theme A by CynicMusic

Font: Chonkly by Arcadiax

Created for Weekly Game Jam 199 - "Monarchy"

I plan to upgrade my most promising game jam games to full games later this year, so I'd really appreciate any feedback to help decide which games are most worth upgrading and what should be fixed, improved, and added in the upgraded versions.

#action #2d #boss #bossbattle #bossrush #bossfight #bosses #gamejam #pixelart #singleplayer #unity #madewithunity #unity2d

Mild Fantasy Violence
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