
Murderd by Words

You run. You can not stop, zombies are fev meters behind you. You are hungry, but not that hungry. A zombie jusps out form behind a tree right in front of you. Using you're last rezerwe of energy, you set up a trap. Monster walk right in to it. He is dead. You finded some food in his pockets. Now you can run just a little bit longer...
Murderd by words is a Randomly generated Roge-Lite puzzle game. Move through random generated Forest, escaping zobies, collecting food, and seeting up traps.
You can not really fight, so you're only hope, is to get zobies, to enter Trap, or over run them.
If you get in hard situation, run away. You may survive.
Left: A or Left Arrow
Right: D or Right Arrow
Down: S or Down Arrow
Up: W or Up Arrow
Set up Trap: SpaceBar
Change trap to Food: Q
Run Away: R
Have Fun!
(this game wa unity recreacion of game i made in clear c#:Â
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#puzzle #strategy #action #arcade #retro #roguelike #other #survival #adventure #horror #zombies #logic