
Night of the Summoned - Jam Version
Night of the Summoned
Game Soundtrack
Sequel in project : Night of the Summoner
Night of the Summoner by Seal of Spades - Game Jolt
Friday the 14th of November, 1997 :
As dusk settles over the coastal city of Svarthamn, portals to the Below are being opened all around town. Dwellers of the underworld are now seeping in the human realm. They must be banished back and their summoner stopped.

Follow Athena Tornrosen, senior agent at the Supernatural Security Services, and her assitant Tyler Arton during a most eventful night, as they try to stem the invasion and catch the criminal mind behind this situation.
Meet colorful characters thoughout the bleak and damp streets of Svarthamn ; fight the denizens of the Below with ancient incantations and face for the first time the one who will prove to be your sworn enemy.
Two-player game with keyboard and mouse :
Player 1 will play as Athena and type to recite incantations to banish the demons or break their curses. You will have to type quick with as few mistakes as possible.
Player 2 will play as Tyler and use the mouse to fill the magic gauge while dodging the enemy attacks. You will have to control the mouse with precision, and choose between safety and filling the magic gauge.
Or you can play alone, but good luck. This game was not balanced for one player so it's going to be harder.

Game made by J.R.C. for 2021 Spoopy Jam with Game Maker Studio 2 ;
Musics created with FL Studio 20 ;
Sprites draw by hand or created with PowerPoint 2016.
#spoopyjam #typing #multiplayer #spoopy #underworld #fantasy #adventure #2d #fantastic #magic