Comments (19)
hi, big thx for the crazy game. greetings from rosti

Just an excuse to learn code | Made in a week!
WARNING: This game is not meant to be optimized. It might not work on screens that aren't 16:9 1080p. I have no idea. A project more worthy of the time will iron out issues like this, but this isn't one. Large images mean there'll be a noticeable buffer when it loads assets for the first time.
This game will not be updated since it's beatable.
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VIIbrid - Programming, unmentioned models / edits, base environments, sound, and music.
Hace - Stupid bitch drawing, gray office mask, Source ports, Shevvy clock tongue, wood shutterstock floor texture, rolled up version of Mori Poster, hot dog, meatball, and fries.
Morigandero - Al's arms, Mori Poster, Ceiling Endo, Gabe Plushie, and Office Piton, and "Fuck You" wires idea.
Odium - Valve dev idea, diamond armor idea, ATHF idea, VIIbrid cardboard cutout idea, Show Prop color scheme idea, fart wires idea, Joce floor tile texture, and swaying / flickering light idea.
Gabez - All non-mentioned drawings, sculpted office light bulb, and SpringGabe idea.
TheJoceBr - Freddy drawing and Joce floor tile face.
Shevvy - Clock clicking sound.
(Jonochrome for the original song I recreated for the ambience and Pixar for the Al chracter.)
#fangame #horror #fnaf #survival #pointnclick #strategy #parody