
Comments (39)

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How Do i Beat this Game? The Power Runs Out Too Fast!

Hey Random Person Scrolling through Comments, Want to Play A Version Where The Time Isin't Visible? If So Here You Go

(I don't regret Writing that Cringe, or Plugging My Archive lol)

Ok but how do i wind the damn wide active

This was made for the #AriasGamejam (hosted by @AriasDEV ) so i couldn't get my own sound ;(( (credit to everyones sound i used, some were from onwaa)

This is a fan-fan game from One Night at a Active so its not official. It has loads of different mechanics and a 2 new actives (well theres 1 non active). There is a normal mode, a spooky ting (hard mode), and a secret Night.

i only had 5 days to do this so its not much (well actually it is) and has working AI, mechanics and spooky ting!


#fangame #fnaf #strategy #pointnclick

Mild Cartoon Violence

should i reveal the secret (secret in article)

has anyone found the secret?

(first letter in article)

also i forgot to mention there is supposed to be a font with the game, i'll release it here on the page

Patch 0.2.0