Comments (2)
can't wait
the teaser trailer is fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
I've made this Project because I wanted and I was bored out of my mind, might acutally work on this "series" if this gets popular. And since this is my "first" Project, this is gonna be short. Hopelly you guys like it.
Progress : ?%
Warning :
This game contains Jumpscares, and Flashing Lights, play it at your own Risk.
Gameplay :
You spend 1 night at Freddy's and your goal is to survial to 6 AM. And thats it, no other than to survival.
Mechanics :
Doors - Doors exist in the game like in FNaF 1.
Cameras - Use the Cameras to watch over Freddy and his Gang.
Music : by me.