
Comments (25)

What do you think? By the way, why didn't you add in this game at least phone guy Which would explain the mechanics of the game to each animatronic in normal mode and hard mode (This is for those who haven't played the original version) or at least Tape Guy instead of Phone Guy or something else or you didn't mean to add either Phone Guy which would explain the mechanics or either Tape or something else in this game at all just interesting In general, at all the game is quite cool

Just finished playing updated game once again and this was fast playthough i had lol
My full gameplay:

where's the charm


Passed game and by the way, it’s normal that in endless mode, time just doesn't go, just 0 am and everything farther doesn't go it should be like that, or what’s just interesting, but the game is pretty cool
And now the second game of the advanced series has being fully replayed
Max mode was crazy on how fast they was but it was really fun to play
I enjoyed the game


One Night at Springtrap's 1: Advanced

Version: 1.0.18 months ago

One Night at Springtrap's 2: Advanced

Version: 1.0.08 months ago

It's a collection of recodes of the games from the "One Night at Springtrap's" series.


-New coding

-Some new mechanics

-Discord Rich Presence support

-Some re-edited images (And maybe some new graphics)

-New characters (But it will depend for some games)

P.S. I'll try to make the games slightly less boring & stuff.


Director, Coder, ETC: TMF48 (Me)

Original Games by: Hadman (AKA SuperLuigiLover9999)

FNaF by: Scott Cawthon

[More Credits will be in game]


#fnaf #fangame #horror #pointnclick #survival #strategy #other #onast #hadman #springtrap #onenightatspringtraps

Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed

[ONaST1: Advanced] v1.0.1

[ONaST2: Advanced] No more mini cam monitor

The old versions of ONaST 1 & 2: Advanced are now moved to here:

ONaST2: Advanced v2 is now in development

ONaST1: Advanced v2 is out now!

[ONaST: Advanced v2] [insert toxic joke here]

I'm almost done with ONaST1: Advanced v2

What else should I add or change for ONaST1: Advanced v2?

ONaST1: Advanced 2.0 is still coming

[ONaST: Advanced] The project is currently paused as of now, but once I come back to it which should I make first?

  34 votes Voting finished