
Comments (25)

What do you think?

The REAL fnaw

Cant wait to spend five nights in the basement With wario

Upload the full game NOWW >:(((

What is the font used in this game (im just curious)

Peakest fnaw game beatiful


Five Nights at Wario's: Parents Basement Full Game (April Fools 2023)

Version: 1.0.0almost 2 years ago

Game Soundtrack

8 songs

#fnaf #Fnaw #fangame


May 21st, 1998, Stanley Gates got a call from one of his childhood friends saying how there was a disturbance roaming around his parent's old house. When he gets there he witnessess the worst experience of his life.


Menu: Done

Night 1: Done

Night 2: Done

Night 3 Option 1: Done

Night 4 Option 1: Done

Night 5 Option 1: Done/QOL Changes

Night 3 Option 2: Done

Night 4 Option 2: Done

Night 5 Option 2: Done

Final Night: 90%

Extras: Done

The ????? ???????: Progress not Displayed


Coding and Everything @Smittylamp oh hey that's me

Original Fnaw Series - @TripleWario


I added the Trailer to the Media and also one part of the surprise after the direct is the Soundtrack Video now being uploaded.

90 Followers for my silly Wario game


If you watched the Fnaw Direct today (Which you probably did) then yes that was a trailer for the game Five Nights at Wario's: Parent's Basement.

Happy Halloween People this game has had minimal change due to not having much time I don't really have anything for Halloween so look at this copper shortsword

So I was originally planning to release this game today (The day after 2 years).